
Paul B. Schneck

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9 Paul B. Schneck: The Supercomputing Research Center. COMPCON 1986: 359-361
8 Paul B. Schneck: Superlinear Speed-Up and the Halting Problem. Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(8): 781-782 (1986)
7 Paul B. Schneck, Donald M. Austin, Stephen L. Squires, John R. Lehmann, David W. Mizell, Kenneth Wallgren: Parallel Processor Programs in the Federal Government. IEEE Computer 18(6): 43-56 (1985)
6 Edward Ng, Paul B. Schneck: Introduction to the Special Section on Computing in Space. Commun. ACM 27(9): 901 (1984)
5 John Riganati, Paul B. Schneck: Supercomputing. IEEE Computer 17(10): 97-113 (1984)
4 Paul B. Schneck: The Myth of Virtual Memory. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(6): 537-543 (1983)
3 Paul B. Schneck: Comment on ``When to Use Random Testing''. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(8): 580-581 (1979)
2 Paul B. Schneck: The Myth of Multiprogramming. Softw., Pract. Exper. 4(1): 59-62 (1974)
1 Paul B. Schneck, Ellinor Angel: A FORTRAN to FORTRAN Optimising Compiler. Comput. J. 16(4): 322-330 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Ellinor Angel [1]
2Donald M. Austin [7]
3John R. Lehmann [7]
4David W. Mizell [7]
5Edward Ng [6]
6John Riganati [5]
7Stephen L. Squires [7]
8Kenneth Wallgren [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)