
Paul Schmidt

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9 Toni Badia, Lourdes Díaz, Marti Quixal, Ana Ruggia, Sandrine Garnier, Paul Schmidt: Individualised NLP-Enhanced Feedback for Distance Language Learning. ICALT 2004
8 Bärbel Ripplinger, Paul Schmidt: AUTINDEX: An Automatic Multilingual Indexing System. SIGIR 2001: 452-452
7 Paul Schmidt, Sibylle Rieder, Axel Theofilidis, Marius Groenendijk, Peter Phelan, Henrik Schulz, Thierry Declerck, Andrew Bredenkamp: Natural Language Access to Software Applications. COLING-ACL 1998: 1193-1197
6EEPaul Schmidt, Axel Theofilidis, Sibylle Rieder, Thierry Declerck: Lean Formalisms, Linguistic Theory and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP. COLING 1996: 286-291
5EEDoug Arnold, Toni Badia, Josef van Genabith, Stella Markantonatou, Stefan Momma, Louisa Sadler, Paul Schmidt: Experiments in Reusability of Grammatical Resources. EACL 1993: 12-20
4EEJacques Durand, Paul Bennett, Valerio Allegranza, Frank Van Eynde, Lee Humphreys, Paul Schmidt, Erich H. Steiner: The Eurotra linguistic specifications: An overview. Machine Translation 6(2): 103-147 (1991)
3 Paul Schmidt: Zur Behandlung von unbounded dependencies im multilinguaalen Übersetzungssystem EUROTRA. Computerlinguistik und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen 1988: 172-191
2 Paul Schmidt: Valency Theory in Stratificational MT-System. COLING 1986: 307-312
1 Paul Schmidt: Valenztheorie im MÜ-System EUROTRA. GLDV-Jahrestagung 1986: 153-160

Coauthor Index

1Valerio Allegranza [4]
2Doug Arnold [5]
3Toni Badia [5] [9]
4Paul Bennett [4]
5Andrew Bredenkamp [7]
6Thierry Declerck [6] [7]
7Lourdes Díaz [9]
8Jacques Durand [4]
9Frank Van Eynde [4]
10Sandrine Garnier [9]
11Josef van Genabith [5]
12Marius Groenendijk [7]
13Lee Humphreys [4]
14Stella Markantonatou [5]
15Stefan Momma [5]
16Peter Phelan [7]
17Marti Quixal [9]
18Sibylle Rieder [6] [7]
19Bärbel Ripplinger [8]
20Ana Ruggia [9]
21Louisa Sadler [5]
22Henrik Schulz [7]
23Erich H. Steiner [4]
24Axel Theofilidis [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)