
Rolf Schatten

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5EERolf Eckmiller, Rolf Schatten, Oliver Baruth: Portable Biomimetic Retina for Learning, Perception-based Image Acquisition. IJCNN 2007: 2436-2441
4EERolf Schatten, Nils Goerke: Supervised, edge adaptive maps. IJISTA 2(2/3): 125-136 (2007)
3 Rolf Schatten, Nils Goerke: Supervised, Edge Adaptive Maps. ALaRT 2005: 23-32
2EERolf Schatten, Nils Goerke, Rolf Eckmiller: Regional and Online Learnable Fields. ICAPR (2) 2005: 74-83
1EERolf Schatten: Systemic Architecture for Audio Signal Processing. ECAL 2003: 491-498

Coauthor Index

1Oliver Baruth [5]
2Rolf Eckmiller [2] [5]
3Nils Goerke [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)