
Nan C. Schaller

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9EEJoe Geigel, Nan C. Schaller: Using photography as a metaphor for teaching image synthesis. Computers & Graphics 29(2): 257-265 (2005)
8EEEvelyn P. Rozanski, Nan C. Schaller: Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum: a proposal. ITiCSE 2003: 202-206
7EEKeitha A. Murray, Jesse M. Heines, Michael Kölling, Tom Moore, Paul J. Wagner, Nan C. Schaller, John A. Trono: Experiences with IDEs and Java teaching: what works and what doesn't. ITiCSE 2003: 215-216
6EEJoel C. Adams, Chris Nevison, Nan C. Schaller: Parallel computing to start the millennium. SIGCSE 2000: 65-69
5 Daniel C. Hyde, David Kotz, Gordon Makinson, Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, Christopher H. Nevison, Nan C. Schaller, Gregory V. Wilson: Different Approaches to Parallel Computing Education. IPPS 1995: 846-
4 Nan C. Schaller: Studies in Parallel Graphics Applications. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 107-109
3 Russ Miller, Nan C. Schaller: The Right Stuff? Teaching Parallel Computing. IPPS 1994: 956-961
2 Nan C. Schaller: Experiments with Interdisciplinary Projects and Scientific Visualization Applications at the Undergraduate Level. IEEE Visualization 1991: 387-391
1EENan C. Schaller: Panel: parallel computing in the undergraduate computer science curriculum. SC 1991: 148

Coauthor Index

1Joel C. Adams [6]
2Joe Geigel [9]
3Jesse M. Heines [7]
4Daniel C. Hyde [5]
5Michael Kölling [7]
6David Kotz [5]
7Gordon Makinson [5]
8Panagiotis Takis Metaxas [5]
9Russ Miller [3]
10Tom Moore [7]
11Keitha A. Murray [7]
12Christopher H. Nevison (Chris Nevison) [5] [6]
13Evelyn P. Rozanski [8]
14John A. Trono [7]
15Paul J. Wagner [7]
16Gregory V. Wilson [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)