
Evelyn P. Rozanski

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4EEJulia M. West, Anne R. Haake, Evelyn P. Rozanski, Keith S. Karn: eyePatterns: software for identifying patterns and similarities across fixation sequences. ETRA 2006: 149-154
3EEKatherine E. Thompson, Evelyn P. Rozanski, Anne R. Haake: Here, there, anywhere: remote usability testing that works. SIGITE Conference 2004: 132-137
2EEEvelyn P. Rozanski, Nan C. Schaller: Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum: a proposal. ITiCSE 2003: 202-206
1EEEvelyn P. Rozanski: Accreditation: does it enhance quality? SIGCSE 1994: 145-149

Coauthor Index

1Anne R. Haake [3] [4]
2Keith S. Karn [4]
3Nan C. Schaller [2]
4Katherine E. Thompson [3]
5Julia M. West [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)