
Andreas Savva

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11 Andreas Savva, Vasso Stylianou, George Portides: An Extension to the Bezier Sub-Division Method to Completely Approximate Curves and Surfaces. GRAPP 2008: 143-146
10 Vasso Stylianou, Andreas Savva: Knowledge Management Novel Applications. ICEIS (2) 2006: 335-338
9 Andreas Savva: Cubic and Higher Order Rats-splines for Modelling Surfaces on Arbitrary Topology of Control Points. VIIP 2001: 122-127
8 Andreas Savva, Vasso Stylianou: Assembling the Human Body using a Solution to the Problem of Surface Branching. VIIP 2001: 128-133
7EEAndreas Savva, Gordon Clapworthy: The Relationship Between RATS-splines and the Catmull and Clark B-splines. WSCG 2001: 118-123
6EENaoshi Ogawa, Takahiro Kurosawa, Mitsuhiro Kishimoto, Nobuhiro Tachino, Andreas Savva, Keisuke Fukui: Smart Cluster Network (SCnet): Design of High Performance Communication System for SAN. IWCC 1999: 71-80
5EEAndreas Savva, Takashi Nanya: A Gracefully Degrading Massively Parallel System Using the BSP Model, and Its Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(1): 38-52 (1999)
4EEAndreas Savva, Gordon Clapworthy: A Method for Filling n-Sided Holes in a Surface. Computer Graphics International 1998: 578-582
3EEAndreas Savva, Gordon Clapworthy: Generating a Surface Including an n-Sided Patch so as to Cover an n-Sided Hole. IV 1998: 114-119
2EEAndreas Savva, Gordon Clapworthy: A Recursive Approach to Parametric Surfaces Containing Non-Rectangular Patches. IV 1998: 300-306
1 Andreas Savva, Takashi Nanya: Gracefully Degrading Systems Using the Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model with Randomised Shared Memory. FTCS 1995: 299-308

Coauthor Index

1Gordon Clapworthy [2] [3] [4] [7]
2Keisuke Fukui [6]
3Mitsuhiro Kishimoto [6]
4Takahiro Kurosawa [6]
5Takashi Nanya [1] [5]
6Naoshi Ogawa [6]
7George Portides [11]
8Vasso Stylianou [8] [10] [11]
9Nobuhiro Tachino [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)