
Thilo Sauter

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9EEGeorg Gaderer, Patrick Loschmidt, Thilo Sauter: Real-time enabled debugging for distributed systems. ETFA 2008: 472-475
8EEMaxim Lobashov, Thilo Sauter: Vertical Communication from the Enterprise Level to the Factory Floor - Integrating Fieldbus and IP-based Networks. ETFA 2006: 1214-1221
7 Maxim Lobashov, A. Bratukhin, Thilo Sauter, Peter Palensky, D. Dietrich: Vertical integration in distributed automation environment. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 123(5): 166-171 (2006)
6EEPatrick Loschmidt, Georg Gaderer, Thilo Sauter: A software platform architecture for multi-protocol, hardware supported clock synchronization in heterogeneous networks. ETFA 2005
5 Thilo Sauter: Linking Factory Floor and the Internet. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 1-15
4EEArndt Lüder, Axel Klostermeyer, Jörn Peschke, Alexei Bratoukhine, Thilo Sauter: Distributed automation: PABADIS versus HMS. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 1(1): 31-38 (2005)
3EEThilo Sauter, Herbert Nachtnebel, Nikolaus Kerö: A smart capacitive angle sensor. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 1(4): 250-258 (2005)
2EENikolaus Kerö, Thilo Sauter: Efficient Analysis of Mixed-Signal ASICs for Smart Sensors. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 40-46
1EEThilo Sauter, Christian Schwaiger: Achievement of secure Internet access to fieldbus systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems 26(7): 331-339 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Alexei Bratoukhine [4]
2A. Bratukhin [7]
3D. Dietrich [7]
4Georg Gaderer [6] [9]
5Nikolaus Kerö [2] [3]
6Axel Klostermeyer [4]
7Maxim Lobashov [7] [8]
8Patrick Loschmidt [6] [9]
9Arndt Lüder [4]
10Herbert Nachtnebel [3]
11Peter Palensky [7]
12Jörn Peschke [4]
13Christian Schwaiger [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)