
Jon R. Sauer

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6EEShahid H. Bokhari, Jon R. Sauer: A parallel graph decomposition algorithm for DNA sequencing with nanopores. Bioinformatics 21(7): 889-896 (2005)
5EEShahid H. Bokhari, Jon R. Sauer: Sequence alignment on the Cray MTA-2. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(9): 823-839 (2004)
4EEShahid H. Bokhari, Jon R. Sauer: Sequence Alignment on the Cray MTA-2. IPDPS 2003: 152
3EEShahid H. Bokhari, Matthew A. Glaser, Harry F. Jordan, Yves Lansac, Jon R. Sauer, Bart Van Zeghbroeck: Parallelizing a DNA Simulation Code for the Cray MTA-2. CSB 2002: 291-302
2 Aruna V. Ramanan, Harry F. Jordan, Jon R. Sauer, Daniel J. Blumenthal: An Extended Fiber-Optic Backplane for Multiprocessors. HICSS (1) 1994: 462-470
1 Srinivasan V. Ramanan, Harry F. Jordan, Jon R. Sauer: A new time domain, multistage permutation algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(1): 171- (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel J. Blumenthal [2]
2Shahid H. Bokhari [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Matthew A. Glaser [3]
4Harry F. Jordan [1] [2] [3]
5Yves Lansac [3]
6Aruna V. Ramanan [2]
7Srinivasan V. Ramanan [1]
8Bart Van Zeghbroeck [3]

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