
Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè

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13EEDomenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: A Multi-agent Recommender System for Supporting Device Adaptivity in E-Commerce. IDC 2008: 293-298
12EEDomenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: Dynamically Computing Reputation of Recommender Agents with Learning Capabilities. IDC 2008: 299-304
11EESalvatore Garruzzo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: MARS: An Agent-Based Recommender System for the Semantic Web. DAIS 2007: 181-194
10EESalvatore Garruzzo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: ISABEL: A Multi Agent e-Learning System That Supports Multiple Devices. IAT 2007: 485-488
9EESalvatore Garruzzo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: MASHA-EL: A Multi-Agent System for Supporting Adaptive E-Learning. ICTAI (2) 2007: 103-110
8EEPasquale De Meo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, Domenico Ursino, Giorgio Terracina: EC-XAMAS: Supporting E-Commerce Activities by an XML-Based Adaptive Multi-Agent System. Applied Artificial Intelligence 21(6): 529-562 (2007)
7EESalvatore Garruzzo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: MAST: an Agent Framework to Support B2C E-Commerce. WOA 2006
6EEDomenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: MASHA: A multi-agent system handling user and device adaptivity of Web sites. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 16(5): 435-462 (2006)
5EEDomenico Ursino, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, Giorgio Terracina: An agent-based approach for managing e-commerce activities. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(5): 385-416 (2004)
4EEPasquale De Meo, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, Giorgio Terracina, Domenico Ursino: An XML-Based Adaptive Multi-agent System for Handling E-commerce Activities. ICWS-Europe 2003: 152-166
3EEFrancesco Buccafurri, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, Domenico Ursino: An Agent-Based Hierarchical Clustering Approach for E-commerce Environments. EC-Web 2002: 109-118
2EEDomenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè, Domenico Ursino: A multi-agent model for handling e-commerce activities. IDEAS 2002: 202-213
1 Francesco Buccafurri, Luigi Palopoli, Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M. L. Sarnè: A System Implementing Cooperation in Multi-Agent Networks. WOA 2001: 20-23

Coauthor Index

1Francesco Buccafurri [1] [3]
2Salvatore Garruzzo [7] [9] [10] [11]
3Pasquale De Meo [4] [8]
4Luigi Palopoli [1]
5Domenico Rosaci [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
6Giorgio Terracina [4] [5] [8]
7Domenico Ursino [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)