
Haralambos Sarimveis

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12EEPhilip Doganis, Haralambos Sarimveis: Optimal production scheduling for the dairy industry. Annals OR 159(1): 315-331 (2008)
11EEHaralambos Sarimveis, Panagiotis Patrinos, Christos D. Tarantilis, Chris T. Kiranoudis: Dynamic modeling and control of supply chain systems: A review. Computers & OR 35(11): 3530-3561 (2008)
10EEIlias Maglogiannis, Haralambos Sarimveis, Chris T. Kiranoudis, Aristotelis A. Chatziioannou, N. Oikonomou, V. Aidinis: Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Classification for the Recognition of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Microscopic Images. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12(1): 42-54 (2008)
9EEAthanassios Nikolakopoulos, Haralambos Sarimveis: A threshold accepting heuristic with intense local search for the solution of special instances of the traveling salesman problem. European Journal of Operational Research 177(3): 1911-1929 (2007)
8EEEleni Aggelogiannaki, Haralambos Sarimveis: A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Prioritized Multiobjective Optimization-Implementation in an Adaptive Model Predictive Control Configuration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(4): 902-915 (2007)
7EEHaralambos Sarimveis, Philip Doganis, Alex Alexandridis: A classification technique based on radial basis function neural networks. Advances in Engineering Software 37(4): 218-221 (2006)
6 Eleni Aggelogiannaki, Haralambos Sarimveis: Model predictive control for distributed parameter systems using rbf neural networks. ICINCO 2005: 19-24
5EEHaralambos Sarimveis, Athanassios Nikolakopoulos: A line up evolutionary algorithm for solving nonlinear constrained optimization problems. Computers & OR 32: 1499-1514 (2005)
4EEGeorge E. Tsekouras, Haralambos Sarimveis, Evagelia Kavakli, George V. Bafas: A hierarchical fuzzy-clustering approach to fuzzy modeling. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 150(2): 245-266 (2005)
3EEHaralambos Sarimveis, George V. Bafas: Fuzzy model predictive control of non-linear processes using genetic algorithms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 139(1): 59-80 (2003)
2EEAlex Alexandridis, Haralambos Sarimveis, George V. Bafas: A new algorithm for online structure and parameter adaptation of RBF networks. Neural Networks 16(7): 1003-1017 (2003)
1EEHaralambos Sarimveis, Alex Alexandridis, George V. Bafas: A fast training algorithm for RBF networks based on subtractive clustering. Neurocomputing 51: 501-505 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Eleni Aggelogiannaki [6] [8]
2V. Aidinis [10]
3Alex Alexandridis [1] [2] [7]
4George V. Bafas [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Aristotelis A. Chatziioannou [10]
6Philip Doganis [7] [12]
7Evagelia Kavakli [4]
8Chris T. Kiranoudis [10] [11]
9Ilias Maglogiannis [10]
10Athanassios Nikolakopoulos [5] [9]
11N. Oikonomou [10]
12Panagiotis Patrinos [11]
13Christos D. Tarantilis [11]
14George E. Tsekouras [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)