
Mohamad Saraee

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10 Mohamad Saraee, Christine Edwards, Adam Peers: Identifying Trends Concerning Computer Science Students with Dyslexia: A Data Mining Approach. CPSN 2005: 117-
9 Mohamad Saraee, Shafiullah Khan, Sertan Yamaner: Data Mining Approach to Implement a Recommendation System for Electronic Tour Guides. CSREA EEE 2005: 215-218
8 Mohamad Saraee, Joanna Moaiad Aljibouri: Mining XML Data: A Clustering Approach. DMIN 2005: 283-288
7 Carl Stent, Nick Howard, Mohamad Saraee, Edward Thompson: Viability of Implementing Data Mining Algorithms as a Web Service. ISWS 2005: 158-161
6 Mohamad Saraee, Asad Waheed, Sargheel Javed, Joshi Nigam: Application of Data Mining in Medical Domain: Case of Cardiology Sickness Level. METMBS 2005: 337-
5 Mohamad Saraee, Sertan Yamaner, Ming Dai, Dawei Long: Determining the Locations Visited by GPS Users: A Clustering Approach. CISST 2004: 555-558
4 Mohamad Saraee, Jonathan Kerry, Michelle Lloyd, Christine Markey: Data Mining Application: Case of Road Traffic Accidents in the UK West Midlands Area 2000. IC-AI 2004: 1102-1108
3 Elias Kapoutsis, Babis Theodoulidis, Mohamad Saraee: SVM Categorizer: A Generic Categorization Tool Using Support Vector Machines. IC-AI 2004: 1109-1112
2 Mohamad Saraee, Mohmoud Al-Mejrab: One Scan is Enough: Optimising Association Rules Mining. IKE 2004: 491-494
1 Mohamad Saraee, Tim Ritchings: Medical Data Mining: Case of Cervical Cancer Screening. METMBS 2004: 490

Coauthor Index

1Mohmoud Al-Mejrab [2]
2Joanna Moaiad Aljibouri [8]
3Ming Dai [5]
4Christine Edwards [10]
5Nick Howard [7]
6Sargheel Javed [6]
7Elias Kapoutsis [3]
8Jonathan Kerry [4]
9Shafiullah Khan [9]
10Michelle Lloyd [4]
11Dawei Long [5]
12Christine Markey [4]
13Joshi Nigam [6]
14Adam Peers [10]
15Tim Ritchings [1]
16Carl Stent [7]
17Babis Theodoulidis [3]
18Edward Thompson [7]
19Asad Waheed [6]
20Sertan Yamaner [5] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)