
Tim Ritchings

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8EETim Ritchings, Carl Berry, Walaa Sheta: COMPARING ANNs AND GENETIC PROGRAMMING FOR VOICE QUALITY ASSESSMENT POST-TREATMENT. Applied Artificial Intelligence 22(3): 198-207 (2008)
7 Giap Weng Ng, Tim Ritchings, Norsiah Fauzan: The Empirical Study of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Computer Accessory Maintenance. CITA 2005: 229-234
6 Duncan Bates, Nigel Linge, Martin Hope, Tim Ritchings: A Proposed Model for a Context Aware Distributed System. IWUC 2004: 180-194
5 Mohamad Saraee, Tim Ritchings: Medical Data Mining: Case of Cervical Cancer Screening. METMBS 2004: 490
4 Wan Nurhayati Wan Ab. Rahman, Tim Ritchings: Augmented Reality Application in Tutoring System for Reading. CITA 2003: 194-198
3 Giap Weng Ng, Tim Ritchings: Knowledge-based Augmented Reality Training and Learning Environment (KARTLE) for Computer Accessory Maintenance Assistance. CITA 2003: 219-224
2EEGeorge Anastassakis, Themis Panayiotopoulos, Tim Ritchings: Virtual Agent Societies with the mVITAL Intelligent Agent System. IVA 2001: 112-125
1EEGeorge Anastassakis, Tim Ritchings, Themis Panayiotopoulos: Multi-agent Systems as Intelligent Virtual Environments. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 381-395

Coauthor Index

1George Anastassakis [1] [2]
2Duncan Bates [6]
3Carl Berry [8]
4Norsiah Fauzan [7]
5Martin Hope [6]
6Nigel Linge [6]
7Giap Weng Ng [3] [7]
8Themis Panayiotopoulos [1] [2]
9Wan Nurhayati Wan Ab. Rahman [4]
10Mohamad Saraee [5]
11Walaa Sheta [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)