
Caterina Saraceno

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7EERémi Mégret, Caterina Saraceno, Walter G. Kropatsch: Background Mosaic from Egomotion. ICPR 2000: 1571-1574
6EENicola Adami, Alesandro Bugatti, A. Corghi, Riccardo Leonardi, Pierangelo Migliorati, Lorenzo A. Rossi, Caterina Saraceno: ToCAI: A Framework for Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Documents. ICIAP 1999: 1027-
5EECaterina Saraceno, Michael Reiter, Paul Kammerer, Ernestine Zolda, Walter G. Kropatsch: Pictorial Portrait Indexing Using View-Based Eigen-Eyes. VISUAL 1999: 649-656
4 Caterina Saraceno, Riccardo Leonardi: Identification of Story Units in Audio-Visual Sequences by Joint Audio and Video Processing. ICIP (1) 1998: 363-367
3 G. Lupatini, Caterina Saraceno, Riccardo Leonardi: Scene Break Detection: A Comparison. RIDE 1998: 34-41
2 Caterina Saraceno, Riccardo Leonardi: Audio-visual Processing for Scene Change Detection. ICIAP (2) 1997: 124-131
1EECaterina Saraceno, Riccardo Leonardi: Identification of Successive Correlated Camera Shots Using Audio and Video Information. ICIP (3) 1997: 166-169

Coauthor Index

1Nicola Adami [6]
2Alesandro Bugatti [6]
3A. Corghi [6]
4Paul Kammerer [5]
5Walter G. Kropatsch [5] [7]
6Riccardo Leonardi [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
7G. Lupatini [3]
8Rémi Mégret [7]
9Pierangelo Migliorati [6]
10Michael Reiter [5]
11Lorenzo A. Rossi [6]
12Ernestine Zolda [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)