
Jorge Santos

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28EERodrigo Santos, Giuseppe Lipari, Jorge Santos: Improving the schedulability of soft real-time open dynamic systems: The inheritor is actually a debtor. Journal of Systems and Software 81(7): 1093-1104 (2008)
27 Jorge Santos, Zita A. Vale, Carlos Ramos, Carlos Serôdio: The verification of temporal knowledge based systems - a case-study on power-systems. ICINCO-ICSO 2007: 179-185
26EERodrigo M. Santos, Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco: A least upper bound on the fault tolerance of real-time systems. Journal of Systems and Software 78(1): 47-55 (2005)
25EERodrigo M. Santos, José M. Urriza, Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco: New methods for redistributing slack time in real-time systems: applications and comparative evaluations. Journal of Systems and Software 69(1-2): 115-128 (2004)
24 Jorge Santos, Steffen Staab: Engineering a complex ontology with time. IJCAI 2003: 1406-1407
23EEJorge Santos, Steffen Staab: FONTE: factorizing ONTology engineering complexity. K-CAP 2003: 146-153
22EEWeldon A. Lodwick, Jorge Santos: Constructing consistent fuzzy surfaces from fuzzy data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 135(2): 259-277 (2003)
21EERodrigo M. Santos, José M. Urriza, Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco: Heuristic Use of Singularities fro On-Line Scheduling of Real-Time Mandatory/Reward-Based Optional Systems. ECRTS 2002: 103-112
20EEJorge Santos, Weldon A. Lodwick, Arnold Neumaier: A New Approach to Incorporate Uncertainty in Terrain Modeling. GIScience 2002: 291-299
19EEJorge Santos, Zita A. Vale, Carlos Ramos: On the Verification of an Expert System: Practical Issues. IEA/AIE 2002: 414-424
18EEJorge Santos, Isabel H. Themido: An application of recent developments of Data Envelopment Analysis to the evaluation of secondary schools in Portugal. IJSTM 2(1/2): 142-160 (2001)
17EERodrigo M. Santos, Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco: Scheduling heterogeneous multimedia servers: different QoS for hard, soft and non real-time clients. ECRTS 2000: 247-253
16EERicardo Cayssials, Javier Orozco, Jorge Santos, Rodrigo Santos: Rate monotonic scheduling of real-time control systems with the minimum number of priority levels. ECRTS 1999: 54-59
15 Jorge Santos, Carlos Ramos, Zita A. Vale, Albino Marques: Validation and Verification of Knowlege-Based Systems for Power Systzem Control Centres. EUROVAV 1999: 221-235
14 Jorge Santos, Luiz Faria, Carlos Ramos, Zita A. Vale, Albino Marques: VERITAS - A Verification Tool for Real-Time Applications in Power System Control Centers. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 511-515
13 Zita A. Vale, Carlos Ramos, Luiz Faria, Jorge Santos, Nuno Malheiro, António Silva, Albino Marques: An Expert System for Intelligent Information Processing in Portuguese Power System Control Centers. ICEIS 1999: 335-342
12EEJorge Santos, Carlos Ramos, Zita A. Vale, Albino Marques: VERITAS - An Application for Knowledge Verification. ICTAI 1999: 441-
11 Jorge Santos, Luiz Faria, Carlos Ramos, Zita A. Vale, Albino Marques: Verification of Knowledge Based-Systems for Power System Control Centres. IEA/AIE 1999: 316-325
10 Nuno Malheiro, Zita A. Vale, Carlos Ramos, Jorge Santos, Albino Marques: Enabling Client-Server Explanation Facilities in a Real-Time Expert-System. IEA/AIE 1999: 333-342
9EERicardo Cayssials, Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco, Edgardo Ferro: On the scheduling of real-time multihop packet-switching networks. ECRTS 1998: 123-128
8EEJavier Orozco, Ricardo Cayssials, Jorge Santos, Edgardo Ferro: Precedence constraints in hard real-time distributed systems. ICECCS 1997: 33-38
7EEJavier Orozco, Ricardo Cayssials, Jorge Santos, Edgardo Ferro: 802.4 Rate Monotonic Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Environments: Setting the Medium Access Control Parameters. Inf. Process. Lett. 62(1): 47-55 (1997)
6 Jorge Santos, Edgardo Ferro, Javier Orozco, Ricardo Cayssials: A Heuristic Approach to the Multitask-Multiprocessor Assignment Problem using the Empty-Slots Method and Rate Monotonic Scheduling. Real-Time Systems 13(2): 167-199 (1997)
5EEJorge Santos, M. L. Gastaminza, Javier Orozco, C. Matrangolo: 802.5 priority mechanism in hard real-time RMS applications. Computer Communications 17(6): 439-442 (1994)
4 Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco: Rate Monotonic Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 48(1): 39-45 (1993)
3EEJorge Santos, M. L. Gastaminza, Javier Orozco, D. Picardi, Omar Alimenti: Priorities and protocols in hard real-time LANs: implementing a crisis-free system. Computer Communications 14(9): 507-514 (1991)
2 Jorge Santos, Javier Orozco, Omar Alimenti: Performance Evaluation of Standard LAN Protocols in Time-Constrained Environments. INFOCOM 1989: 1020-1028
1 Jorge Santos: A General Approach to the Problem of Interleaved Memory Reconfigurations. IFIP Congress 1974: 171-174

Coauthor Index

1Omar Alimenti [2] [3]
2Ricardo Cayssials [6] [7] [8] [9] [16]
3Luiz Faria [11] [13] [14]
4Edgardo Ferro [6] [7] [8] [9]
5M. L. Gastaminza [3] [5]
6Giuseppe Lipari [28]
7Weldon A. Lodwick [20] [22]
8Nuno Malheiro [10] [13]
9Albino Marques [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
10C. Matrangolo [5]
11Arnold Neumaier [20]
12Javier Orozco [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [16] [17] [21] [25] [26]
13D. Picardi [3]
14Carlos Ramos [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [19] [27]
15Rodrigo Santos [16] [28]
16Rodrigo M. Santos [17] [21] [25] [26]
17Carlos Serôdio [27]
18António Silva [13]
19Steffen Staab [23] [24]
20Isabel H. Themido [18]
21José M. Urriza [21] [25]
22Zita A. Vale [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [19] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)