
Lalitha Sankar

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10EELalitha Sankar, Yingbin Liang, Narayan B. Mandayam, H. Vincent Poor: Opportunistic Communications in Fading Multiaccess Relay Channels CoRR abs/0902.1220: (2009)
9EEVaneet Aggarwal, Lalitha Sankar, A. Robert Calderbank, H. Vincent Poor: Ergodic Layered Erasure One-Sided Interference Channels CoRR abs/0904.1956: (2009)
8EELalitha Sankar, Narayan B. Mandayam, H. Vincent Poor: On the Sum-Capacity of Degraded Gaussian Multiaccess Relay Channels CoRR abs/0804.0385: (2008)
7EESuhas Mathur, Lalitha Sankar, Narayan B. Mandayam: Coalitions in Cooperative Wireless Networks CoRR abs/0804.3421: (2008)
6EELalitha Sankar, Elza Erkip, H. Vincent Poor: Sum-Capacity of Ergodic Fading Interference and Compound Multiaccess Channels CoRR abs/0804.4866: (2008)
5EELalitha Sankar, Gerhard Kramer, Narayan B. Mandayam: Relay vs. User Cooperation in Time-Duplexed Multiaccess Networks CoRR abs/0809.2226: (2008)
4EEVaneet Aggarwal, Lalitha Sankar, A. Robert Calderbank, H. Vincent Poor: Secrecy capacity of a class of orthogonal relay eavesdropper channels CoRR abs/0812.2275: (2008)
3EESuhas Mathur, Lalitha Sankar, Narayan B. Mandayam: Coalitions in Cooperative Wireless Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(7): 1104-1115 (2008)
2EELalitha Sankar, Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor, Narayan B. Mandayam: Opportunistic Communications in an Orthogonal Multiaccess Relay Channel CoRR abs/0704.2651: (2007)
1EELalitha Sankar, Gerhard Kramer, Narayan B. Mandayam: Offset Encoding for Multiple-Access Relay Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(10): 3814-3821 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Vaneet Aggarwal [4] [9]
2A. Robert Calderbank [4] [9]
3Elza Erkip [6]
4Gerhard Kramer [1] [5]
5Yingbin Liang [2] [10]
6Narayan B. Mandayam [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [10]
7Suhas Mathur [3] [7]
8H. Vincent Poor (Harold Vincent Poor) [2] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10]

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