
Vaneet Aggarwal

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10EEVaneet Aggarwal, Ashutosh Sabharwal: Power-Controlled Feedback and Training for Two-way MIMO Channels CoRR abs/0901.1288: (2009)
9EEVaneet Aggarwal, Lalitha Sankar, A. Robert Calderbank, H. Vincent Poor: Ergodic Layered Erasure One-Sided Interference Channels CoRR abs/0904.1956: (2009)
8EEVaneet Aggarwal, Amir Bennatan, A. Robert Calderbank: On Maximizing Coverage in Gaussian Relay Networks CoRR abs/0802.2360: (2008)
7EEVaneet Aggarwal: Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding for arbitrary memoryless correlated sources and Source coding for Markov correlated sources using LDPC codes CoRR abs/0802.2666: (2008)
6EEVaneet Aggarwal, Ashutosh Sabharwal: Diversity Order Gain with Noisy Feedback in Multiple Access Channels CoRR abs/0805.0034: (2008)
5EEVaneet Aggarwal, Gajanana Krishna, Srikrishna Bhashyam, Ashutosh Sabharwal: Two Models for Noisy Feedback in MIMO Channels CoRR abs/0811.4200: (2008)
4EEVaneet Aggarwal, Lalitha Sankar, A. Robert Calderbank, H. Vincent Poor: Secrecy capacity of a class of orthogonal relay eavesdropper channels CoRR abs/0812.2275: (2008)
3EEVaneet Aggarwal, Ashutosh Sabharwal: Performance of multiple access channels with asymmetric feedback. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(8): 1516-1525 (2008)
2EEVaneet Aggarwal, A. Robert Calderbank: Boolean Functions, Projection Operators, and Quantum Error Correcting Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(4): 1700-1707 (2008)
1EEVaneet Aggarwal, A. Robert Calderbank: Boolean Functions, Projection Operators and Quantum Error Correcting Codes CoRR abs/cs/0610159: (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Bennatan [8]
2Srikrishna Bhashyam [5]
3A. Robert Calderbank [1] [2] [4] [8] [9]
4Gajanana Krishna [5]
5H. Vincent Poor (Harold Vincent Poor) [4] [9]
6Ashutosh Sabharwal [3] [5] [6] [10]
7Lalitha Sankar [4] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)