
Robert Sandner

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5EEAndreas Bauer, Manfred Broy, Jan Romberg, Bernhard Schätz, Peter Braun, Ulrich Freund, Nuria Mata, Robert Sandner, Pierre Mai, Dirk Ziegenbein: Das AutoMoDe-Projekt. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 22(1): 45-57 (2007)
4EEIngolf Krüger, Wolfgang Prenninger, Robert Sandner, Manfred Broy: Development of Hierarchical Broadcasting Software Architectures Using UML 2.0. SoftSpez Final Report 2004: 29-47
3EEIngolf Krüger, Wolfgang Prenninger, Robert Sandner: Broadcast MSCs. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(3): 194-209 (2004)
2EEIngolf Krüger, Wolfgang Prenninger, Robert Sandner, Manfred Broy: From Scenarios to Hierarchical Broadcasting Software Architectures Using UML-RT. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 12(2): 155-174 (2002)
1 Robert Sandner, Olaf Müller: Theorem Prover Support for the Refinement of Stream Processing Functions. TACAS 1997: 351-365

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Bauer [5]
2Peter Braun [5]
3Manfred Broy [2] [4] [5]
4Ulrich Freund [5]
5Ingolf Krüger (Ingolf H. Krüger) [2] [3] [4]
6Pierre Mai [5]
7Nuria Mata [5]
8Olaf Müller [1]
9Wolfgang Prenninger [2] [3] [4]
10Jan Romberg [5]
11Bernhard Schätz [5]
12Dirk Ziegenbein [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)