2006 |
13 | | Bastian Best,
Olaf Müller,
Herbert Negele:
Ein funktionales Domänenmodell Fahrerassistenz.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2006: 766- |
2002 |
12 | EE | Olaf Müller,
Michael Nüsken:
Never Trust Victor: An Alternative Resettable Zero-Knowledge Proof System.
INDOCRYPT 2002: 79-92 |
1999 |
11 | EE | Bernd Grobauer,
Olaf Müller:
From I/O Automata to Timed I/O Automata.
TPHOLs 1999: 273-290 |
10 | | Olaf Müller,
Tobias Nipkow,
David von Oheimb,
Oscar Slotosch:
J. Funct. Program. 9(2): 191-223 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | | Olaf Müller:
I/O Automata and Beyond: Temporal Logic and Abstraction in Isabelle.
TPHOLs 1998: 331-348 |
1997 |
8 | | Thomas Stauner,
Olaf Müller,
Max Fuchs:
Using HYTECH to Verify an Automative Control System.
HART 1997: 139-153 |
7 | | Olaf Müller,
Peter Scholz:
Functional Specification of Real-Time and Hybrid Systems.
HART 1997: 273-285 |
6 | | Robert Sandner,
Olaf Müller:
Theorem Prover Support for the Refinement of Stream Processing Functions.
TACAS 1997: 351-365 |
5 | | Olaf Müller,
Tobias Nipkow:
Traces of I/O-Automata in Isabelle/HOLCF.
TAPSOFT 1997: 580-594 |
4 | | Marco Devillers,
W. O. David Griffioen,
Olaf Müller:
Possibly Infinite Sequences in Theorem Provers: A Comparative Study.
TPHOLs 1997: 89-104 |
3 | | Olaf Müller,
Konrad Slind:
Treating Partiality in a Logic of Total Functions.
Comput. J. 40(10): 640-652 (1997) |
1995 |
2 | | Olaf Müller,
Tobias Nipkow:
Combining Model Checking and Deduction for I/O-Automata.
TACAS 1995: 1-16 |
1994 |
1 | | Olaf Müller,
Franz Weber:
Theory and Practice of Minimal Modular Higher-Order E-Unification.
CADE 1994: 650-664 |