
Fadi Sandakly

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5EEPaulo Ferreira, Marc Shapiro, Xavier Blondel, Olivier Fambon, João Garcia, Sytse Kloosterman, Nicolas Richer, Marcus Roberts, Fadi Sandakly, George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Paulo Guedes, Daniel Hagimont, Sacha Krakowiak: PerDiS: Design, Implementation, and Use of a PERsistent DIstributed Store. Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 427-452
4 Fadi Sandakly, João Garcia, P. Perreira, P. Poyet: PerDIS: An Infrastructure for Cooperative Engineering in Virtual Enterprise. PRO-VE 1999: 319-332
3EEFadi Sandakly, Gérard Giraudon: 3D scene interpretation for a mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 21(4): 399-414 (1997)
2 Fadi Sandakly, Gérard Giraudon: Multispecialist System for 3D Scene Analysis. ECAI 1994: 767-771
1 Fadi Sandakly, Gérard Giraudon: Scene Analysis System. ICIP (3) 1994: 806-810

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Blondel [5]
2George Coulouris [5]
3Jean Dollimore [5]
4Olivier Fambon [5]
5Paulo Ferreira (Paulo J. P. Ferreira) [5]
6João Garcia [4] [5]
7Gérard Giraudon [1] [2] [3]
8Paulo Guedes [5]
9Daniel Hagimont [5]
10Sytse Kloosterman [5]
11Sacha Krakowiak [5]
12P. Perreira [4]
13P. Poyet [4]
14Nicolas Richer [5]
15Marcus Roberts [5]
16Marc Shapiro [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)