
David Sammon

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12 David Sammon, Frédéric Adam: Why a collaborative approach is needed in innovation adoption: the case of ERP. CDM 2008: 283-294
11 David Sammon, Frédéric Adam: Building a Common Understanding of Critical Success Factors for an ERP Project Implementation. CDM 2008: 308-318
10EEJohn O'Donoghue, John Herbert, David Sammon: Patient Sensors: A Data Quality Perspective. ICOST 2008: 54-61
9 Ian Owens, David Sammon, John McAvoy: A Sense-Making Approach to Agile Method Adoption. ICSOFT (ISDM/ABF) 2008: 292-295
8EEFrédéric Adam, Eleanor Doyle, David Sammon: Clients and Providers of Outsourcing Services. The SerCom and Topps Case Studies. Journal of Decision Systems 17(1): 153-167 (2008)
7EEJohn McAvoy, David Sammon, Ian Owens: A Simple Tool to Assist in Agile Methodology Adoption Decisions. Journal of Decision Systems 16(4): 451-468 (2007)
6 David Sammon, Frédéric Adam: Defining and Understanding ERP Systems. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (II) 2005: 772-778
5EEDavid Sammon, Paul Hanley: 100 percent E-corporation: identifying issues of concern in pursuing an e-supply chain strategy. ECIS 2004
4EEDavid Sammon, Frédéric Adam: Towards a model for evaluating organisational readiness for ERP and data warehousing projects. ECIS 2004
3 David Sammon, Frédéric Adam, Fergal Carton: Understanding the ERP Post-Implementation Discourse. ICEIS (1) 2004: 466-472
2EEDavid Sammon, Frédéric Adam: Decision Making In The ERP Community. ECIS 2002
1EEAilish Counihan, Pat Finnegan, David Sammon: Towards a framework for evaluating investments in data warehousing. Inf. Syst. J. 12(4): 321-338 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Adam [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [11] [12]
2Fergal Carton [3]
3Ailish Counihan [1]
4Eleanor Doyle [8]
5Patrick Finnegan (Pat Finnegan) [1]
6Paul Hanley [5]
7John Herbert [10]
8John McAvoy [7] [9]
9John O'Donoghue [10]
10Ian Owens [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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