
Luka Sajn

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4EEMatjaz Kukar, Luka Sajn: Supporting Diagnostics of Coronary Artery Disease with Multi-resolution Image Parameterization and Data Mining. MIRAGE 2009: 356-367
3EEMatjaz Kukar, Luka Sajn, Ciril Groselj, Jera Groselj: Multi-resolution Image Parametrization in Stepwise Diagnostics of Coronary Artery Disease. AIME 2007: 119-129
2EELuka Sajn, Matjaz Kukar, Igor Kononenko, Metka Milcinski: Automatic Segmentation of Whole-Body Bone Scintigrams as a Preprocessing Step for Computer Assisted Diagnostics. AIME 2005: 363-372
1EELuka Sajn, Matjaz Kukar, Igor Kononenko, Metka Milcinski: Computerized segmentation of whole-body bone scintigrams and its use in automated diagnostics. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 80(1): 47-55 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Ciril Groselj [3]
2Jera Groselj [3]
3Igor Kononenko [1] [2]
4Matjaz Kukar [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Metka Milcinski [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)