
Faisal Saied

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4EEJames S. Hammonds, Faisal Saied, Mark A. Shannon: Solving coupled 3-D paraxial wave and thermal diffusion equations with mixed-mode parallel computations. Parallel Computing 33(1): 43-53 (2007)
3 Lin Sun, Chinh Le, Faisal Saied, Jayathi Murthy: A Highly Scalable Simulation Model for Atomistic Calculation of Thermal Properties of Silicon. PDPTA 2006: 306-312
2EEDennis C. Smolarski, Ramesh Balakrishnan, Eduardo F. D'Azevedo, John W. Fettig, Bronson Messer, Anthony Mezzacappa, Faisal Saied, Paul E. Saylor, F. Douglas Swesty: On the performance of SPAI and ADI-like preconditioners for core collapse supernova simulations in one spatial dimension. Computer Physics Communications 175(5): 330-338 (2006)
1 Michael J. Holst, Faisal Saied: Numerical Solution of t he Nonlinear Poisson-Blotzmann Equation: Developing More Robust and Efficient Methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(3): 337-364 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Ramesh Balakrishnan [2]
2Eduardo F. D'Azevedo [2]
3John W. Fettig [2]
4James S. Hammonds [4]
5Michael J. Holst [1]
6Chinh Le [3]
7Bronson Messer [2]
8Anthony Mezzacappa [2]
9Jayathi Murthy [3]
10Paul E. Saylor [2]
11Mark A. Shannon [4]
12Dennis C. Smolarski [2]
13Lin Sun [3]
14F. Douglas Swesty [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)