
Masoud Saeedi

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7EELaurence Hirsch, Robin Hirsch, Masoud Saeedi: Evolving Lucene search queries for text classification. GECCO 2007: 1604-1611
6EELaurence Hirsch, Masoud Saeedi, Robin Hirsch: Evolving Rules for Document Classification. EuroGP 2005: 85-95
5EELaurence Hirsch, Masoud Saeedi, Robin Hirsch: Evolving Text Classification Rules with Genetic Programming. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(7): 659-676 (2005)
4EELaurence Hirsch, Masoud Saeedi, Robin Hirsch: Evolving Text Classifiers with Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2004: 309-317
3EELaurence Hirsch, Masoud Saeedi, J. Cornillon, L. Litosseliti: A structured dialogue tool for argumentative learning. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 20(1): 72-80 (2004)
2EEJohn A. A. Sillince, Masoud Saeedi: A Formal Model of Organizational Argumentation: Applications of Informal Logic to a Committee Meeting. Cybernetics and Systems 30(5): 365-409 (1999)
1EEMasoud Saeedi, John A. A. Sillince: Incorporating rhetorical and plausible reasoning in a system for simulating argumentation. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(3): 113-127 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1J. Cornillon [3]
2Laurence Hirsch [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Robin Hirsch [4] [5] [6] [7]
4L. Litosseliti [3]
5John A. A. Sillince [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)