
Sajad Sadough

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6EEPablo Piantanida, Sajad Sadough, Pierre Duhamel: On the Outage Capacity of a Practical Decoder Using Channel Estimation Accuracy CoRR abs/0706.2809: (2007)
5EESajad Sadough, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Duhamel: Achievable Outage Rates with Improved Decoding of Bicm Multiband Ofdm Under Channel Estimation Errors CoRR abs/0708.1411: (2007)
4EESajad Sadough, Pierre Duhamel: On Optimal Turbo Decoding of Wideband MIMO-OFDM Systems Under Imperfect Channel State Information CoRR abs/0708.1413: (2007)
3EESajad Sadough, Mahieddine Ichir, Emmanuel Jaffrot, Pierre Duhamel: Wavelet Based Semi-blind Channel Estimation For Multiband OFDM CoRR abs/0708.1414: (2007)
2EESajad Sadough, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Duhamel: MIMO-OFDM Optimal Decoding and Achievable Information Rates Under Imperfect Channel Estimation CoRR abs/0708.1416: (2007)
1EEPablo Piantanida, Sajad Sadough, Pierre Duhamel: On the Outage Capacity of a Practical Decoder Accounting for Channel Estimation Inaccuracies CoRR abs/0708.3573: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Duhamel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Mahieddine Ichir [3]
3Emmanuel Jaffrot [3]
4Pablo Piantanida [1] [2] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)