
Emmanuel Jaffrot

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3EEAsad Mahmood, Emmanuel Jaffrot: Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Power Allocation in Multicarrier Systems with Peak-Power Constraint. VTC Spring 2007: 2329-2333
2EESajad Sadough, Mahieddine Ichir, Emmanuel Jaffrot, Pierre Duhamel: Wavelet Based Semi-blind Channel Estimation For Multiband OFDM CoRR abs/0708.1414: (2007)
1EEAsad Mahmood, Emmanuel Jaffrot: An Efficient Methodology for Optimal Discrete Bit-Loading with Spectral Mask Constraints. GLOBECOM 2006

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Duhamel [2]
2Mahieddine Ichir [2]
3Asad Mahmood [1] [3]
4Sajad Sadough [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)