
Parastoo Sadeghi

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6EEXiangyun Zhou, Parastoo Sadeghi, Tharaka A. Lamahewa, Salman Durrani: Design Guidelines for Training-based MIMO Systems with Feedback CoRR abs/0903.0443: (2009)
5EEParastoo Sadeghi, Pascal O. Vontobel, Ramtin Shams: Optimization of Information Rate Upper and Lower Bounds for Channels With Memory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(2): 663-688 (2009)
4EERamtin Shams, Parastoo Sadeghi, Rodney A. Kennedy: Gradient Intensity: A New Mutual Information-Based Registration Method. CVPR 2007
3EERamtin Shams, Rodney A. Kennedy, Parastoo Sadeghi, Richard Hartley: Gradient Intensity-Based Registration of Multi-Modal Images of the Brain. ICCV 2007: 1-8
2EEParastoo Sadeghi, Pascal O. Vontobel, Ramtin Shams: Optimization of Information Rate Upper and Lower Bounds for Channels with Memory CoRR abs/0711.4406: (2007)
1EERodney A. Kennedy, Parastoo Sadeghi, Thushara D. Abhayapala, Haley M. Jones: Intrinsic Limits of Dimensionality and Richness in Random Multipath Fields. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(6-1): 2542-2556 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Thushara D. Abhayapala [1]
2Salman Durrani [6]
3Richard Hartley [3]
4Haley M. Jones [1]
5Rodney A. Kennedy [1] [3] [4]
6Tharaka A. Lamahewa [6]
7Ramtin Shams [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Pascal O. Vontobel [2] [5]
9Xiangyun Zhou [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)