
Sonia R. Sachs

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8EERay Strong, Joseph Ryan, Doug McDavid, Ying Leung, Ruoyi Zhou, Eric Strauss, John Bosma, Tony Sabbadini, David Jarvis, Sonia R. Sachs, Peter Bishop, Cody Clark: A New Way to Plan for the Future. HICSS 2007: 230
7EEJames G. McCarthy, Tony Sabbadini, Sonia R. Sachs: Multi-agent Model of Technological Shifts. MABS 2007: 112-127
6 Robert P. Kurshan, Michael Merritt, Ariel Orda, Sonia R. Sachs: Modelling Asynchrony with a Synchronous Model. Formal Methods in System Design 15(3): 175-199 (1999)
5 Michael Merritt, Ariel Orda, Sonia R. Sachs: Formal Verification of a Distributed Computer System. Formal Methods in System Design 10(1): 93-125 (1997)
4EESonia R. Sachs, James Meyers: Working Group Report on Electronic Notebooks. WETICE 1996: 53-59
3 Robert P. Kurshan, Michael Merritt, Ariel Orda, Sonia R. Sachs: Modelling Asynchrony with a Synchronous Model. CAV 1995: 339-352
2 Robert P. Kurshan, Michael Merritt, Ariel Orda, Sonia R. Sachs: A Structural Linearization Principle for Processes. Formal Methods in System Design 5(3): 227-244 (1994)
1 Robert P. Kurshan, Michael Merritt, Ariel Orda, Sonia R. Sachs: A Structural Linearization Principle for Processes. CAV 1993: 491-504

Coauthor Index

1Peter Bishop [8]
2John Bosma [8]
3Cody Clark [8]
4David Jarvis [8]
5Robert P. Kurshan [1] [2] [3] [6]
6Ying Leung [8]
7James G. McCarthy [7]
8Doug McDavid [8]
9Michael Merritt [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
10James Meyers [4]
11Ariel Orda [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
12Joseph Ryan [8]
13Tony Sabbadini [7] [8]
14Eric Strauss [8]
15Ray Strong [8]
16Ruoyi Zhou [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)