2008 | ||
38 | EE | Laurian Gridinoc, Marta Sabou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Martin Dzbor, Enrico Motta: Semantic Browsing with PowerMagpie. ESWC 2008: 802-806 |
37 | EE | Marta Sabou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta: SCARLET: SemantiC RelAtion DiscoveRy by Harvesting OnLinE OnTologies. ESWC 2008: 854-858 |
36 | EE | Miriam Fernández, Vanessa Lopez, Marta Sabou, Victoria S. Uren, David Vallet, Enrico Motta, Pablo Castells: Semantic Search Meets the Web. ICSC 2008: 253-260 |
35 | EE | Marta Sabou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta: Relation Discovery from the Semantic Web. International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008 |
34 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta: Reusing Knowledge from the Semantic Web with the Watson Plugin. International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008 |
33 | EE | Marta Sabou, Jorge Gracia: Spider: Bringing Non-equivalence Mappings to OAEI. OM 2008 |
32 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta, Sofia Angeletou, Laurian Gridinoc, Vanessa Lopez, Fouad Zablith: What Can be Done with the Semantic Web? An Overview Watson-based Applications. SWAP 2008 |
31 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta, Marta Sabou, Sofia Angeletou, Laurian Gridinoc, Vanessa Lopez, Davide Guidi: Toward a New Generation of Semantic Web Applications. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(3): 20-28 (2008) |
30 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta, Martin Dzbor, Laurian Gridinoc, Tom Heath, Marta Sabou: Collaborative Semantic Authoring. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(3): 80-83 (2008) |
29 | EE | Marta Sabou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta: Exploring the Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology Matching. J. Data Semantics 11: 156-190 (2008) |
2007 | ||
28 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Anne Schlicht, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Marta Sabou: Ontology Modularization for Knowledge Selection: Experiments and Evaluations. DEXA 2007: 874-883 |
27 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Claudio Baldassarre, Laurian Gridinoc, Sofia Angeletou, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta: Characterizing Knowledge on the Semantic Web with Watson. EON 2007: 1-10 |
26 | EE | Marta Sabou, Jorge Gracia, Sofia Angeletou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta: Evaluating the Semantic Web: A Task-Based Approach. ISWC/ASWC 2007: 423-437 |
25 | EE | David Robertson, Fausto Giunchiglia, Frank van Harmelen, Maurizio Marchese, Marta Sabou, W. Marco Schorlemmer, Nigel Shadbolt, Ronny Siebes, Carles Sierra, Chris Walton, Srinandan Dasmahapatra, David Dupplaw, Paul H. Lewis, Mikalai Yatskevich, Spyros Kotoulas, Adrian Perreau de Pinninck, Antonis Loizou: Open Knowledge. LADS 2007: 1-18 |
24 | EE | Jorge Gracia, Vanessa Lopez, Mathieu d'Aquin, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta, Eduardo Mena: Solving Semantic Ambiguity to Improve Semantic Web based Ontology Matching. OM 2007 |
23 | EE | Marta Sabou, Jeff Pan: Towards semantically enhanced Web service repositories. J. Web Sem. 5(2): 142-150 (2007) |
2006 | ||
22 | EE | Enrico Motta, Marta Sabou: Next Generation Semantic Web Applications. ASWC 2006: 24-29 |
21 | EE | Marta Sabou, Vanessa Lopez, Enrico Motta: Ontology Selection for the Real Semantic Web: How to Cover the Queen's Birthday Dinner? EKAW 2006: 96-111 |
20 | EE | Yuangui Lei, Marta Sabou, Vanessa Lopez, Jianhan Zhu, Victoria S. Uren, Enrico Motta: An Infrastructure for Acquiring High Quality Semantic Metadata. ESWC 2006: 230-244 |
19 | EE | Vanessa Lopez, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta: PowerMap: Mapping the Real Semantic Web on the Fly. International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 414-427 |
18 | EE | Daniel Grosu, Pilar Herrero, Gonzalo Méndez, Marta Sabou: AWeSOMe 2006 PC Co-chairs' Message. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 57 |
17 | EE | Marta Sabou, Mathieu d'Aquin, Enrico Motta: Using the Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology Mapping. Ontology Matching 2006 |
16 | EE | Mathieu d'Aquin, Marta Sabou, Enrico Motta: Modularization: a Key for the Dynamic Selection of Relevant Knowledge Components. WoMO 2006 |
2005 | ||
15 | EE | Marta Sabou: Visual Support for Ontology Learning: An Experience Report. IV 2005: 494-499 |
14 | EE | Marta Sabou, Chris Wroe, Carole A. Goble, Gilad Mishne: Learning domain ontologies for Web service descriptions: an experiment in bioinformatics. WWW 2005: 190-198 |
13 | EE | Marta Sabou, Chris Wroe, Carole A. Goble, Heiner Stuckenschmidt: Learning domain ontologies for semantic Web service descriptions. J. Web Sem. 3(4): 340-365 (2005) |
2004 | ||
12 | EE | Marta Sabou: From Software APIs to Web Service Ontologies: A Semi-automatic Extraction Method. International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 410-424 |
11 | EE | David L. Martin, Massimo Paolucci, Sheila A. McIlraith, Mark H. Burstein, Drew V. McDermott, Deborah L. McGuinness, Bijan Parsia, Terry R. Payne, Marta Sabou, Monika Solanki, Naveen Srinivasan, Katia P. Sycara: Bringing Semantics to Web Services: The OWL-S Approach. SWSWPC 2004: 26-42 |
10 | EE | Peter Mika, Daniel Oberle, Aldo Gangemi, Marta Sabou: Foundations for service ontologies: aligning OWL-S to dolce. WWW 2004: 563-572 |
9 | Christiaan Fluit, Marta Sabou, Frank van Harmelen: Supporting User Tasks through Visualisation of Light-weight Ontologies. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 415-434 | |
2003 | ||
8 | EE | Debbie Richards, Marta Sabou: Semantic Markup for Semantic Web Tools: A DAML-S Description of an RDF-Store. International Semantic Web Conference 2003: 274-289 |
7 | EE | Daniel Oberle, Marta Sabou, Debbie Richards, Raphael Volz: An Ontology for Semantic Middleware: Extending DAML-S Beyond Web-Services. OTM Workshops 2003: 28-29 |
6 | EE | Marc Ehrig, Christoph Tempich, Jeen Broekstra, Frank van Harmelen, Marta Sabou, Ronny Siebes, Steffen Staab, Heiner Stuckenschmidt: SWAP - Ontology-based Knowledge Management with Peer-to-Peer Technology. WOW 2003 |
5 | EE | Sander van Splunter, Marta Sabou, Frances M. T. Brazier, Debbie Richards: Configuring Web Services, Using Structuring and Techniques from Agent Configuration. Web Intelligence 2003: 153-160 |
4 | Marc Ehrig, Christoph Tempich, Jeen Broekstra, Frank van Harmelen, Marta Sabou, Ronny Siebes, Steffen Staab, Heiner Stuckenschmidt: SWAP: Ontology-based Knowledge Management with Peer-to-Peer Technology. Wissensmanagement 2003: 17-20 | |
3 | Kateryna Falkovych, Marta Sabou, Heiner Stuckenschmidt: UML for the Semantic Web: Transformation-Based Approaches. Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web 2003: 92-106 | |
2002 | ||
2 | Christiaan Fluit, Marta Sabou, Frank van Harmelen: Ontology-based Information Visualization. Visualizing the Semantic Web 2002: 36-48 | |
2001 | ||
1 | EE | Frank van Harmelen, Jeen Broekstra, Christiaan Fluit, Herko ter Horst, Arjohn Kampman, Jos van der Meer, Marta Sabou: Ontology-Based Information Visualisation. IV 2001: 546-554 |