
Virginia R. de Sa

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11EEThomas J. Sullivan, Virginia R. de Sa: A model of surround suppression through cortical feedback. Neural Networks 19(5): 564-572 (2006)
10EEThomas J. Sullivan, Virginia R. de Sa: Homeostatic synaptic scaling in self-organizing maps. Neural Networks 19(6-7): 734-743 (2006)
9EEThomas J. Sullivan, Virginia R. de Sa: A self-organizing map with homeostatic synaptic scaling. Neurocomputing 69(10-12): 1183-1186 (2006)
8EEVirginia R. de Sa: Sensory Modality Segregation. NIPS 2003
7EERich Caruana, Virginia R. de Sa: Benefitting from the Variables that Variable Selection Discards. Journal of Machine Learning Research 3: 1245-1264 (2003)
6EEVirginia R. de Sa, David J. C. MacKay: Model fitting as an aid to bridge balancing in neuronal recording. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1651-1656 (2001)
5 Virginia R. de Sa, Dana H. Ballard: Category Learning Through Multi-Modality Sensing. Neural Computation 10(5): 1097-1117 (1998)
4 Virginia R. de Sa, R. Christopher DeCharms, Michael Merzenich: Using Helmholtz Machines to Analyze Multi-channel Neuronal Recordings. NIPS 1997
3EERich Caruana, Virginia R. de Sa: Promoting Poor Features to Supervisors: Some Inputs Work Better as Outputs. NIPS 1996: 389-395
2EEVirginia R. de Sa: Learning Classification with Unlabeled Data. NIPS 1993: 112-119
1EEVirginia R. de Sa, Dana H. Ballard: A Note on Learning Vector Quantization. NIPS 1992: 220-227

Coauthor Index

1Dana H. Ballard [1] [5]
2Rich Caruana [3] [7]
3R. Christopher DeCharms [4]
4David J. C. MacKay [6]
5Michael Merzenich [4]
6Thomas J. Sullivan [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)