
David J. C. MacKay

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23EEDan Witzner Hansen, David J. C. MacKay, John Paulin Hansen, Mads Nielsen: Eye tracking off the shelf. ETRA 2004: 58
22EEDavid H. Stern, Thore Graepel, David J. C. MacKay: Modelling Uncertainty in the Game of Go. NIPS 2004
21 David J. C. MacKay, G. Mitchison, P. L. McFadden: Sparse-graph codes for quantum error correction. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(10): 2315-2330 (2004)
20 Ann-Marie Martoglio, James W. Miskin, Stephen K. Smith, David J. C. MacKay: A decomposition model to track gene expression signatures: preview on observer-independent classification of ovarian cancer. Bioinformatics 18(12): 1617-1624 (2002)
19EEDavid J. Ward, David J. C. MacKay: Fast Hands-free Writing by Gaze Direction CoRR cs.HC/0204030: (2002)
18EEDavid J. C. MacKay, Christopher P. Hesketh: Performance of low density parity check codes as a function of actual and assumed noise levels. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 74: (2002)
17EEDavid J. C. MacKay, Michael S. Postol: Weaknesses of Margulis and Ramanujan-Margulis low-density parity-check cCodes. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 74: (2002)
16EEDavid J. C. MacKay: Almost-Certainly Runlength-Limiting Codes. IMA Int. Conf. 2001: 138-147
15 Matthew C. Davey, David J. C. MacKay: Reliable communication over channels with insertions, deletions, and substitutions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(2): 687-698 (2001)
14 David J. C. MacKay: Errata for "Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(5): 2101 (2001)
13EEVirginia R. de Sa, David J. C. MacKay: Model fitting as an aid to bridge balancing in neuronal recording. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1651-1656 (2001)
12EEDavid J. Ward, Alan F. Blackwell, David J. C. MacKay: Dasher - a data entry interface using continuous gestures and language models. UIST 2000: 129-137
11EEOliver B. Downs, David J. C. MacKay, Daniel D. Lee: The Nonnegative Boltzmann Machine. NIPS 1999: 428-434
10 David J. C. MacKay: Good Error-Correcting Codes Based on Very Sparse Matrices. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(2): 399-431 (1999)
9 David J. C. MacKay: Comparison of Approximate Methods for Handling Hyperparameters. Neural Computation 11(5): 1035-1068 (1999)
8 Robert J. McEliece, David J. C. MacKay, Jung-Fu Cheng: Turbo Decoding as an Instance of Pearl's "Belief Propagation" Algorithm. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 16(2): 140-152 (1998)
7 David J. C. MacKay: Choice of Basis for Laplace Approximation. Machine Learning 33(1): 77-86 (1998)
6 Brendan J. Frey, David J. C. MacKay: A Revolution: Belief Propagation in Graphs with Cycles. NIPS 1997
5 David J. C. MacKay: Good Codes Based on Very Sparse Matrices. IMA Conf. 1995: 100-111
4 David J. C. MacKay: A Free Energy Minimization Framework for Inference Problems in modulo 2 Arithmetic. FSE 1994: 179-195
3EEJohn S. Bridle, Anthony J. R. Heading, David J. C. MacKay: Unsupervised Classifiers, Mutual Information and 'Phantom Targets'. NIPS 1991: 1096-1101
2EEDavid J. C. MacKay: Bayesian Model Comparison and Backprop Nets. NIPS 1991: 839-846
1EEDavid J. C. MacKay, Kenneth D. Miller: Analysis of Linsker's Simulations of Hebbian Rules. NIPS 1989: 694-701

Coauthor Index

1Alan F. Blackwell [12]
2John S. Bridle [3]
3Jung-Fu Cheng [8]
4Matthew C. Davey [15]
5Oliver B. Downs [11]
6Brendan J. Frey [6]
7Thore Graepel [22]
8Dan Witzner Hansen [23]
9John Paulin Hansen [23]
10Anthony J. R. Heading [3]
11Christopher P. Hesketh [18]
12Daniel D. Lee [11]
13Ann-Marie Martoglio [20]
14Robert J. McEliece [8]
15P. L. McFadden [21]
16Kenneth D. Miller [1]
17James W. Miskin [20]
18G. Mitchison [21]
19Mads Nielsen [23]
20Michael S. Postol [17]
21Virginia R. de Sa [13]
22Stephen K. Smith [20]
23David H. Stern [22]
24David J. Ward [12] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)