
Michael Rys

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26EEYi Fang, Marc Friedman, Giri Nair, Michael Rys, Ana-Elisa Schmid: Spatial indexing in microsoft SQL server 2008. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1207-1216
25 Stéphane Bressan, Stefano Ceri, Ela Hunt, Zachary G. Ives, Zohra Bellahsene, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland: Database and XML Technologies, Third International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28-29, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
24EEMichael Rys, Donald D. Chamberlin, Daniela Florescu: XML and relational database management systems: the inside story. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 945-947
23EEMichael Rys: XML and relational database management systems: inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 958-962
22EEShankar Pal, Istvan Cseri, Oliver Seeliger, Michael Rys, Gideon Schaller, Wei Yu, Dragan Tomic, Adrian Baras, Brandon Berg, Denis Churin, Eugene Kogan: XQuery Implementation in a Relational Database System. VLDB 2005: 1175-1186
21EEEugene Kogan, Gideon Schaller, Michael Rys, Hanh Huynh Huu, Babu Krishnaswamy: Optimizing Runtime XML Processing in Relational Databases. XSym 2005: 222-236
20 Zohra Bellahsene, Tova Milo, Michael Rys, Dan Suciu, Rainer Unland: Database and XML Technologies, Second International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 29-30, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
19 Zohra Bellahsene, Akmal B. Chaudhri, Erhard Rahm, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland: Database and XML Technologies, First International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
18EEMichael Rys: Full-Text Search with XQuery: A Status Report. Intelligent Search on XML Data 2003: 39-57
17 Michael Rys: Bringing the Internet to Your Database: Using SQLServer 2000 and XML to Build Loosely-Coupled Systems. BTW 2001: 4
16EEMichael Rys: Bringing the Internet to Your Database: Using SQLServer 2000 and XML to Build Loosely-Coupled Systems. ICDE 2001: 465-472
15 Sameet Agarwal, José A. Blakeley, Thomas Casey, Kalen Delaney, César A. Galindo-Legaria, Goetz Graefe, Michael Rys, Michael J. Zwilling: Microsoft SQL Server (Chapter 27) Database System Concepts, 4th Edition. 2001: 969-1006
14EEMichael Rys: State-of-the-Art XML Support in RDBMS: Microsoft SQL Server's XML Features. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(2): 3-11 (2001)
13 Peter Fankhauser, Mary F. Fernández, Ashok Malhotra, Michael Rys, Jérôme Siméon, Philip Wadler: The XML Query Algebra http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-query-algebra-20001204/ 2001
12 Michael Rys: Materialisation and Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-processor System. Infix Verlag, St. Augustin, Germany 1998
11EEMichael Rys: Query Languages for XML Documents: A QL '98 Position Paper. QL 1998
10EESerge Abiteboul, Jason McHugh, Michael Rys, Vasilis Vassalos, Janet L. Wiener: Incremental Maintenance for Materialized Views over Semistructured Data. VLDB 1998: 38-49
9EEMarkus Tresch, Michael Rys: Data Warehousing Architektur für Online Analytical Processing. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 195: (1997)
8EEMichael Rys, Moira C. Norrie, Hans-Jörg Schek: Intra-Transaction Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-Processor System. VLDB 1996: 460-471
7EEUlrich Reimer, Peter Lippuner, Moira C. Norrie, Michael Rys: Terminological Reasoning by Query Evaluation: A Formal Mapping of a Terminological Logic to an Object Data Model. KRDB 1995
6 Michael Rys, Gerhard Weikum: Heuristic Optimization of Speedup and Benefit/Cost for Parallel Database Scans on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. IPPS 1994: 894-901
5EEMoira C. Norrie, Ulrich Reimer, Peter Lippuner, Michael Rys, Hans-Jörg Schek: Frames, Objects and Relations: Three Semantic Levels for Knowledge Base Systems. KRDB 1994
4EEGerhard Weikum, Christof Hasse, Axel Mönkeberg, Michael Rys, Peter Zabback: The COMFORT Project (Synopsis). PDIS 1993: 158-161
3 Michael Rys: Konferenzbericht: 17th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 3.9. bis 6.9.1991, Barcelona (Katalonien). Datenbank Rundbrief 8: 36-41 (1991)
2EEUrsula Recker, Michael Rys: A Preferable Look - APL in Window-Based Environments. APL 1990: 312-321
1EEMichael Rys: Scope and Access Classes in APL. APL 1988: 278-282

Coauthor Index

1Serge Abiteboul [10]
2Sameet Agarwal [15]
3Adrian Baras [22]
4Zohra Bellahsene [19] [20] [25]
5Brandon Berg [22]
6José A. Blakeley [15]
7Stéphane Bressan [25]
8Thomas Casey [15]
9Stefano Ceri [25]
10Donald D. Chamberlin [24]
11Akmal B. Chaudhri [19]
12Denis Churin [22]
13Istvan Cseri [22]
14Kalen Delaney [15]
15Yi Fang [26]
16Peter Fankhauser [13]
17Mary F. Fernández (Mary F. Fernandez) [13]
18Daniela Florescu [24]
19Marc Friedman [26]
20César A. Galindo-Legaria [15]
21Goetz Graefe [15]
22Christof Hasse [4]
23Ela Hunt [25]
24Hanh Huynh Huu [21]
25Zachary G. Ives [25]
26Eugene Kogan [21] [22]
27Babu Krishnaswamy [21]
28Peter Lippuner [5] [7]
29Ashok Malhotra [13]
30Jason McHugh [10]
31Tova Milo [20]
32Axel Mönkeberg [4]
33Giri Nair [26]
34Moira C. Norrie [5] [7] [8]
35Shankar Pal [22]
36Erhard Rahm [19]
37Ursula Recker [2]
38Ulrich Reimer [5] [7]
39Gideon Schaller [21] [22]
40Hans-Jörg Schek [5] [8]
41Ana-Elisa Schmid [26]
42Oliver Seeliger [22]
43Jérôme Siméon [13]
44Dan Suciu [20]
45Dragan Tomic [22]
46Markus Tresch [9]
47Rainer Unland [19] [20] [25]
48Vasilis Vassalos [10]
49Philip Wadler [13]
50Gerhard Weikum [4] [6]
51Janet L. Wiener [10]
52Wei Yu [22]
53Peter Zabback [4]
54Michael J. Zwilling [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)