
Tobias Rydén

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5EESvetlana Bizjajeva, Tobias Rydén, Ove Edfors: Mobile Positioning in MIMO System Using Particle Filtering. VTC Fall 2007: 792-798
4EEMartin Sköld, Tobias Rydén, Viktoria Samuelsson, Charlotte Bratt, Lars Ekblad, Håkan Olsson, Bo Baldetorp: Regression analysis and modelling of data acquisition for SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics 23(11): 1401-1409 (2007)
3EESusann Stjernqvist, Tobias Rydén, Martin Sköld, Johan Staaf: Continuous-index hidden Markov modelling of array CGH copy number data. Bioinformatics 23(8): 1006-1014 (2007)
2EESofia Andersson, Tobias Rydén: Local dependencies and Poissonification: a case study. Perform. Eval. 52(1): 41-58 (2003)
1EETobias Rydén: Optimal Overload Control of Systems with Access Buffers - a Difficult Problem. Computer Networks 30(9-10): 999-1005 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Sofia Andersson [2]
2Bo Baldetorp [4]
3Svetlana Bizjajeva [5]
4Charlotte Bratt [4]
5Ove Edfors [5]
6Lars Ekblad [4]
7Håkan Olsson [4]
8Viktoria Samuelsson [4]
9Martin Sköld [3] [4]
10Johan Staaf [3]
11Susann Stjernqvist [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)