
David M. Russinoff

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10EEDavid M. Russinoff: A Mathematical Approach to RTL Verification. CAV 2007: 2
9EEDavid M. Russinoff: A Case Study in Fomal Verification of Register-Transfer Logic with ACL2: The Floating Point Adder of the AMD AthlonTM Processor. FMCAD 2000: 3-36
8 David M. Russinoff: A Mechanically Checked Proof of Correctness of the AMD K5 Floating Point Square Root Microcode. Formal Methods in System Design 14(1): 75-125 (1999)
7 David M. Russinoff: A Formalization of a Subset of VHDL in the Boyer-Moore Logic. Formal Methods in System Design 7(1/2): 7-25 (1995)
6 David M. Russinoff: A Mechanically Verified Incremental Garbage Collector. Formal Asp. Comput. 6(4): 359-390 (1994)
5 David M. Russinoff: A Verification System for Current Programs Based on the Boyer-Moore Prover. Formal Asp. Comput. 4(6A): 597-611 (1992)
4 David M. Russinoff: A Mechanical Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity. J. Autom. Reasoning 8(1): 3-21 (1992)
3 David M. Russinoff: A Verified Prolog Compiler for the Warren Abstract Machine. J. Log. Program. 13(4): 367-412 (1992)
2 David M. Russinoff: Proteus: A Frame-Based Nonmonotonic Inference System. Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications 1989: 127-150
1 David M. Russinoff: An Experiment with the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover: A Proof of Wilson's Theorem. J. Autom. Reasoning 1(2): 121-139 (1985)

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