
Ekkart Rudolph

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13EEPeter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph: MSC Connectors: The Philosopher's Stone. SAM 2002: 199-220
12EEPeter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph, Jens Grabowski: Component Interface Description Using HyperMSCs and Connectors. HCC 2001: 96-102
11EEJens Grabowski, Peter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph: HyperMSCs with Connectors for Advanced Visual System Modelling and Testing. SDL Forum 2001: 129-147
10EEPaul Baker, Ekkart Rudolph, Ina Schieferdecker: Graphical Test Specification - The Graphical Format of TTCN-3. SDL Forum 2001: 148-167
9 Ekkart Rudolph, Ina Schieferdecker, Jens Grabowski: Development of a MSC/UML Test Format. FBT 2000: 153-164
8 Ekkart Rudolph, Ina Schieferdecker, Jens Grabowski: HyperMSC - a Graphical Representation of TTCN. SAM 2000: 76-
7EEPeter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph: HyperMSCs and Sequence Diagrams for Use Case Modelling and Testing. UML 2000: 32-46
6 Ekkart Rudolph, Jens Grabowski, Peter Graubmann: Towards a harmonization of UML-sequence diagrams and MSC. SDL Forum 1999: 193-208
5 Stefan Loidl, Ekkart Rudolph, Ursula Hinkel: MSC'96 and beyond - a critical look. SDL Forum 1997: 213-
4EEEkkart Rudolph, Peter Graubmann, Jens Grabowski: Tutorial on Message Sequence Charts. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(12): 1629-1641 (1996)
3 Jens Grabowski, Ekkart Rudolph: Message Sequence Chart (MSC) - A Survey of the new CCITT Language for the Description to Traces within Communications Systems. FBT 1992: 66-87
2 Peter Graubmann, Ekkart Rudolph: Prozessanalyse und Testdatengewinning für Vermittlungssysteme mit Hilfe von Petrinetzen. Entwurf großer Software-Systeme 1984: 192-209
1 Wilhelm K. Hackmann, Ekkart Rudolph, Hans Seidl: Entwurfstechnologie auf der Grundlage von Petri-Netzen. GI Jahrestagung 1980: 550

Coauthor Index

1Paul Baker [10]
2Jens Grabowski [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [11] [12]
3Peter Graubmann [2] [4] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13]
4Wilhelm K. Hackmann [1]
5Ursula Hinkel [5]
6Stefan Loidl [5]
7Ina Schieferdecker [8] [9] [10]
8Hans Seidl [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)