
Nikola Rozic

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6EEStipe Marinovic, Nikola Rozic, Ivica Cubic: Delay-Sensitive Services QoS Control in Sensor-Based Mass Applications. GLOBECOM 2008: 1800-1804
5EEJosko Radic, Nikola Rozic: Improved Decoding of Clipped OFDM Signals through Iteration. WiMob 2008: 355-359
4EENikola Rozic, Gorazd Kandus: MIMO ARIMA models for handoff resource reservation in multimedia wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(5): 497-512 (2004)
3EEAlgirdas Pakstas, Ignac Lovrek, Nikola Rozic, Dinko Begusic: Academic networking in the Adriatic region. Computer Communications 26(5): 421-422 (2003)
2EEDinko Begusic, Nikola Rozic, Hrvoje Dujmic: Development of the communication/information infrastructure at the academic institution. Computer Communications 26(5): 472-476 (2003)
1EEMilan Vojnovic, Nikola Rozic: An evaluation of the ABR explicit-rate allocation interfering with the guaranteed services traffic. Computer Networks 34(1): 139-155 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Dinko Begusic [2] [3]
2Ivica Cubic [6]
3Hrvoje Dujmic [2]
4Gorazd Kandus [4]
5Ignac Lovrek [3]
6Stipe Marinovic [6]
7Algirdas Pakstas [3]
8Josko Radic [5]
9Milan Vojnovic [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)