
Algirdas Pakstas

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8EEKarim Mohammed Rezaul, Algirdas Pakstas, R. Gilchrist, Thomas M. Chen: HEAF: A Novel Estimator for Long-Range Dependent Self-similar Network Traffic. NEW2AN 2006: 34-45
7EEAlgirdas Pakstas, Ignac Lovrek, Nikola Rozic, Dinko Begusic: Academic networking in the Adriatic region. Computer Communications 26(5): 421-422 (2003)
6 Algirdas Pakstas, Igor Shagaev: Uploadable Safelets for Support of the Ground-To-Air Communication. ICC (1) 2000: 581-585
5EEAlgirdas Pakstas, Igor Shagaev: Mobile Code Alternatives for Secure Environments. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 11(1): 49-64 (2000)
4EEAlgirdas Pakstas, Igor Shagaev: Extendable Ground-to-Air Communication Architecture for CoDySa. SAFECOMP 1999: 187-201
3EEAlgirdas Pakstas: Towards electronic commerce via science park multi-Extranets. Computer Communications 22(14): 1351-1363 (1999)
2 Algirdas Pakstas, Sonata Pakstiene: NSK - A Norwegian Cryptochip for Supersafe Communications. IEEE Computer 29(2): 78-79 (1996)
1 Algirdas Pakstas, Sonata Pakstiene: Computer Networks in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. IEEE Computer 26(9): 53-64 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Dinko Begusic [7]
2Thomas M. Chen [8]
3R. Gilchrist [8]
4Ignac Lovrek [7]
5Sonata Pakstiene [1] [2]
6Karim Mohammed Rezaul [8]
7Nikola Rozic [7]
8Igor Shagaev [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)