
Michael C. Row

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5EEEric K. Clemons, Michael C. Row: Electronic Consumer Interaction, Technology-Enabled Encroachment, and Channel Power: The Changing Balance Between Manufacturers' Electronic Distribution and Established Retailers. HICSS (6) 1998: 321-328
4EEEric K. Clemons, Michael C. Row, Matt Thatcher: An integrative framework for identifying and managing risks associated with large scale reengineering efforts. HICSS (4) 1995: 960-969
3 Eric K. Clemons, Michael C. Row: Strategic and Competitive Information Systems: Introduction. HICSS (4) 1994: 853-854
2 Eric K. Clemons, Michael C. Row: Information, Power, and Control of the Distribution Channel: Preliminary Results of a Field Study in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry. ICIS 1992: 21-29
1EEEric K. Clemons, Michael C. Row: Information technology and economic reorganizational. ICIS 1989: 341-361

Coauthor Index

1Eric K. Clemons [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Matt Thatcher [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)