
Catherine Roussey

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12 Jacques Teller, John R. Lee, Catherine Roussey: Ontologies for Urban Development Springer 2007
11EECatherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Farah Harrathi: Multilingual extraction of semantic indexes. SADPI 2007: 1-6
10EEChantal Berdier, Catherine Roussey: Urban Ontologies: the Towntology Prototype towards Case Studies. Ontologies for Urban Development 2007: 143-155
9 Abdel Kader Keita, Catherine Roussey, Robert Laurini: Un outil d'aide à la construction d'ontologies pré-consensuelles : le projet Towntology. INFORSID 2006: 911-926
8 Catherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Farah Harrathi, Mohamed M. Gammoudi: Multilingual Indexing Based on Ontologies. ISPE CE 2006: 418-425
7EEDjamal Benslimane, Christelle Vangenot, Catherine Roussey, Ahmed Arara: Multirepresentation in Ontologies. ADBIS 2003: 4-15
6EEDjamal Benslimane, Catherine Roussey, Christelle Vangenot, Ahmed Arara: Towards a Contextual Content of Ontologies. ISMIS 2003: 339-343
5EECatherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon: A Multilingual Information System Based on Knowledge Representation. ADBIS 2001: 98-111
4EECatherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon: A New Conceptual Graph Formalism Adapted for Multilingual Information Retrieval Purposes. DEXA 2001: 92-101
3EECatherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon: SyDoM: A Multilingual Information Retrieval System for Digital Libraries. ELPUB 2001
2 Catherine Roussey: Un modèle de graphe pour la recherche d'information multilingue. INFORSID 2001: 419-441
1 Catherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon: Indexation sémantique de corpus multilingues : application aux manuscrits anciens. INFORSID 1998: 289-303

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed Arara [6] [7]
2Djamal Benslimane [6] [7]
3Chantal Berdier [10]
4Sylvie Calabretto [1] [3] [4] [5] [8] [11]
5Mohamed M. Gammoudi [8]
6Farah Harrathi [8] [11]
7Abdel Kader Keita [9]
8Robert Laurini [9]
9John R. Lee [12]
10Jean-Marie Pinon [1] [3] [4] [5]
11Jacques Teller [12]
12Christelle Vangenot [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)