
Robert Laurini

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44EEFrank Lorenz Wendt, Stéphane Bres, Bruno Tellez, Robert Laurini: Markerless Outdoor Localisation Based on SIFT Descriptors for Mobile Applications. ICISP 2008: 439-446
43 Guoping Qiu, Clement Leung, Xiangyang Xue, Robert Laurini: Advances in Visual Information Systems, 9th International Conference, VISUAL 2007, Shanghai, China, June 28-29, 2007 Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
42EECecilia Challiol, Agustin Muñoz, Gustavo Rossi, Silvia E. Gordillo, Andres Fortier, Robert Laurini: Browsing Semantics in Context-Aware Mobile Hypermedia. OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 211-221
41EEVincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Karla Lopez, Rosalva Loreto, Françoise Milleret-Raffort, Monica Sebillo, David Sol-Martinez, Giuliana Vitiello: Potentialities of Chorems as Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Contents. VISUAL 2007: 537-548
40EERobert Laurini: Pre-consensus Ontologies and Urban Databases. Ontologies for Urban Development 2007: 27-36
39EERobert Laurini, Sylvie Servigne: Visual access to city websites: A challenge for PDA's GUI. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 18(3): 339-355 (2007)
38 Stéphane Bres, Robert Laurini: Visual Information and Information Systems, 8th International Conference, VISUAL 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 5, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
37EEFranck Favetta, Robert Laurini: Towards an Efficient Integration, Structure and Exploration of Landscape Architecture Project Information. ICME 2006: 397-400
36 Abdel Kader Keita, Catherine Roussey, Robert Laurini: Un outil d'aide à la construction d'ontologies pré-consensuelles : le projet Towntology. INFORSID 2006: 911-926
35EERobert Laurini, Françoise Milleret-Raffort, Karla Lopez: A Primer of Geographic Databases Based on Chorems. OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1693-1702
34EEKarim Zerioh, Robert Laurini: Prototyping a Prefetching Scheme for Location-Dependent Systems. SUTC (1) 2006: 226-233
33EESilvia E. Gordillo, Gustavo Rossi, Robert Laurini, Daniel Schwabe: Decoupling Geographic from Conceptual Information in Physical Hypermedia Models. DEXA Workshops 2005: 443-447
32EETaher Omran Ahmed, Maryvonne Miquel, Robert Laurini: Supporting decision making for spatiotemporal phenomena. ITRE 2005: 440-444
31 Ahmed Arara, Robert Laurini: Formal Contextual Ontologies for Intelligent Information Systems. WEC (5) 2005: 303-306
30EERobert Laurini, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genoveffa Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello: Dealing with geographic continuous fields: the way to a visual GIS environment. AVI 2004: 336-343
29EERobert Laurini, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genoveffa Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello: A Spatial SQL Extension for Continuous Field Querying. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 78-81
28EERobert Laurini: Special Section-AGILE 2003. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 28(6): 593-594 (2004)
27EELuca Paolino, Genoveffa Tortora, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello, Robert Laurini: Phenomena: a visual query language for continuous fields. GIS 2003: 147-153
26 Sandro Bimonte, Robert Laurini, Filomena Ferrucci, Giuseppe Polese: Prototype of a visual language for spatial data mining based on the 'miner trip' metaphor: VisMiner. HCC 2003: 76-83
25EESilvia E. Gordillo, Javier Bazzocco, Gustavo Rossi, Robert Laurini: Designing Evolvable Location Models for Ubiquitous Applications. OOIS 2003: 289-293
24EEMyoung-Ah Kang, Christos Faloutsos, Robert Laurini, Sylvie Servigne: Indexing Values in Continuous Field Databases. EDBT 2002: 197-214
23 Franck Favetta, Robert Laurini: About Precision and Integrity in Visual Query Languages for Spatial Databases. DASFAA 2001: 286-293
22EERobert Laurini: Visual Languages for Spatio-temporal Applications. HCC 2001: 247
21 Alain Becam, Maryvonne Miquel, Robert Laurini: Yehudi: An Orchestrated System for the Interoperability of Urban Data and Models. ISCA PDCS 2001: 272-277
20 Robert Laurini: Advances in Visual Information Systems, 4th International Conference, VISUAL 2000, Lyon, France, November 2-4, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
19 Sylvie Servigne, Thierry Ubeda, Alain Puricelli, Robert Laurini: A Methodology for Spatial Consistency Improvement of Geographic Databases. GeoInformatica 4(1): 7-34 (2000)
18EEChristine Bonhomme, Claude Trépied, Marie-Aude Aufaure-Portier, Robert Laurini: A Visual Language for Querying Spatio-Temporal Databases. ACM-GIS 1999: 34-39
17EEMyoung-Ah Kang, Sylvie Servigne, Ki-Joune Li, Robert Laurini: Indexing field values in field oriented systems: interval Quadtree. CIKM 1999: 335-342
16EESylvie Servigne, Robert Laurini, Myoung-Ah Kang, Ki-Joune Li: First Specifications of an Information System for Urban Soundscape. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 262-266
15 Robert Laurini, Ki-Joune Li, Sylvie Servigne, Myoung-Ah Kang: Modeling an Auditory Urban Database with a Field-Oriented Approach. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(2): (1999)
14 Robert Laurini, Kia Makki, Niki Pissinou: ACM-GIS '98, Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 6-7, 1998, Washington, DC, USA ACM 1998
13 Robert Laurini: Spatial Multi-Database Topological Continuity and Indexing: A Step Towards Seamless GIS Data Interoperability. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12(4): 373-402 (1998)
12 Erland Jungert, Shi-Kuo Chang, Robert Laurini, K. Ohlson: Negotiation in Spatial Reasoning Applications (Panel Overview). VL 1997: 226-227
11 Sylvie Servigne, Robert Laurini: Updating Geographic Databases Using Multi-Source Information. ACM-GIS 1995: 119-126
10 Christophe Poix, Robert Laurini: A Geometric Reasoning Tool Based on a Successive Improvement Approach. Comput. J. 37(5): 377-384 (1994)
9EERobert Laurini, Françoise Milleret-Raffort: Topological reorganization of inconsistent geographical databases: A step towards their certification. Computers & Graphics 18(6): 803-813 (1994)
8 Robert Laurini: Special Section on Cartographic Interfaces. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 4(2): 103-104 (1993)
7 Ki-Joune Li, N. Badji, Robert Laurini: Objets mobiles: vers les bases de données spatio-temporelles. BDA 1992: 102-
6 Robert Laurini, Françoise Milleret-Raffort: Cohérence dans les bases de données spatiales. BDA 1991: 471-
5EEKi-Joune Li, Robert Laurini: The Spatial Locality and a Spatial Indexing Method by Dynamic Clustering in Hypermap System. SSD 1991: 207-223
4 Ki-Joune Li, Robert Laurini: The Spatial Locality and Dynamic Clustering Tree in Spatial Databases. VDB 1991: 19-35
3EERobert Laurini: ER Modelling for Urban Data Management. ER 1990: 393-403
2EERobert Laurini, Françoise Milleret: Spatial Data Base Queries: Relational Algebra versus Computational Geometry. SSDBM 1988: 291-313
1 Robert Laurini, Françoise Milleret: Les clefs de Peano: un nouveau modèle pour les bases de données. BDA 1986: 211-232

Coauthor Index

1Taher Omran Ahmed [32]
2Ahmed Arara [31]
3Marie-Aude Aufaure (Marie-Aude Aufaure-Portier) [18]
4N. Badji [7]
5Javier Bazzocco [25]
6Alain Becam [21]
7Sandro Bimonte [26]
8Christine Bonhomme [18]
9Stéphane Bres [38] [44]
10Cecilia Challiol [42]
11Shi-Kuo Chang [12]
12Christos Faloutsos [24]
13Vincenzo Del Fatto [41]
14Franck Favetta [23] [37]
15Filomena Ferrucci [26]
16Andres Fortier [42]
17Silvia E. Gordillo [25] [33] [42]
18Erland Jungert [12]
19Myoung-Ah Kang [15] [16] [17] [24]
20Abdel Kader Keita [36]
21Clement Leung [43]
22Ki-Joune Li [4] [5] [7] [15] [16] [17]
23Karla Lopez [35] [41]
24Rosalva Loreto [41]
25Kia Makki [14]
26Françoise Milleret-Raffort (Françoise Milleret) [1] [2] [6] [9] [35] [41]
27Maryvonne Miquel [21] [32]
28Agustin Muñoz [42]
29K. Ohlson [12]
30Luca Paolino [27] [29] [30]
31Niki Pissinou [14]
32Christophe Poix [10]
33Giuseppe Polese [26]
34Alain Puricelli [19]
35Guoping Qiu [43]
36Gustavo Rossi [25] [33] [42]
37Catherine Roussey [36]
38Daniel Schwabe [33]
39Monica Sebillo [27] [29] [30] [41]
40Sylvie Servigne [11] [15] [16] [17] [19] [24] [39]
41David Sol-Martinez [41]
42Bruno Tellez [44]
43Genny Tortora (Genoveffa Tortora) [27] [29] [30]
44Claude Trépied [18]
45Thierry Ubeda [19]
46Giuliana Vitiello [27] [29] [30] [41]
47Frank Lorenz Wendt [44]
48Xiangyang Xue [43]
49Karim Zerioh [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)