2008 |
68 | EE | Gia Hien Nguyen,
Philippe Chatalic,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
A probabilistic trust model for semantic peer to peer systems.
DaMaP 2008: 59-65 |
67 | EE | Gia Hien Nguyen,
Philippe Chatalic,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
A probabilistic trust model for semantic peer-to-peer systems.
ECAI 2008: 881-882 |
66 | EE | Alexandre Termier,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Michèle Sebag,
Kouzou Ohara,
Takashi Washio,
Hiroshi Motoda:
DryadeParent, An Efficient and Robust Closed Attribute Tree Mining Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(3): 300-320 (2008) |
2007 |
65 | | Fatiha Saïs,
Nathalie Pernelle,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
L2R: A Logical Method for Reference Reconciliation.
AAAI 2007: 329-334 |
64 | | Fatiha Saïs,
Nathalie Pernelle,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Approche logique pour la réconciliation de références.
EGC 2007: 623-634 |
63 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Building Scalable Semantic Peer-to-Peer Data Management Systems: The SomeWhere Approach.
ENC 2007 |
62 | EE | Philippe Adjiman,
François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
SomeRDFSin the Semantic Web.
J. Data Semantics 8: 158-181 (2007) |
2006 |
61 | | Philippe Chatalic,
Gia Hien Nguyen,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Propositional Peer-to-Peer Inference Systems.
ECAI 2006: 352-356 |
60 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Laurent Simon:
SomeWhere: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Querying Distributed Ontologies.
OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 698-703 |
59 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Laurent Simon:
SomeWhere in the Semantic Web.
SOFSEM 2006: 84-99 |
58 | EE | Chan Le Duc,
Nhan Le Thanh,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
A Compact Representation for Least Common Subsumers in the description logic ALE.
AI Commun. 19(3): 239-273 (2006) |
57 | EE | Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Laurent Simon:
Distributed Reasoning in a Peer-to-Peer Setting: Application to the Semantic Web.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 25: 269-314 (2006) |
2005 |
56 | EE | Alexandre Termier,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Michèle Sebag,
Kouzou Ohara,
Takashi Washio,
Hiroshi Motoda:
Efficient Mining of High Branching Factor Attribute Trees.
ICDM 2005: 785-788 |
55 | EE | Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Laurent Simon:
Scalability Study of Peer-to-Peer Consequence Finding.
IJCAI 2005: 351-356 |
54 | | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Les défis posés par le Web sémantique.
INFORSID 2005: 25-26 |
53 | EE | Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Laurent Simon:
SomeWhere in the Semantic Web.
PPSWR 2005: 1-16 |
2004 |
52 | | Philippe Adjiman,
Philippe Chatalic,
François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Laurent Simon:
Distributed Reasoning in a Peer-to-Peer Setting.
ECAI 2004: 945-946 |
51 | EE | Alexandre Termier,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Michèle Sebag:
DRYADE: A New Approach for Discovering Closed Frequent Trees in Heterogeneous Tree Databases.
ICDM 2004: 543-546 |
50 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Small Can Be Beautiful in the Semantic Web.
International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 6-16 |
49 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Answering queries using views: A KRDB perspective for the semantic Web.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 4(3): 255-288 (2004) |
48 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Chantal Reynaud:
Knowledge representation for information integration.
Inf. Syst. 29(1): 3-22 (2004) |
2003 |
47 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Chantal Reynaud:
PICSEL and Xyleme: Two Illustrative Information Integration Agents.
AgentLink 2003: 50-78 |
46 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Querying Distributed Data through Distributed Ontologies: A Simple but Scalable Approach.
IIWeb 2003: 149-154 |
45 | | Claude Delobel,
Chantal Reynaud,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Jean-Pierre Sirot,
Dan Vodislav:
Semantic integration in Xyleme: a uniform tree-based approach.
Data Knowl. Eng. 44(3): 267-298 (2003) |
44 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Querying Distributed Data through Distributed Ontologies: A Simple but Scalable Approach.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(5): 60-65 (2003) |
2002 |
43 | | Alexander Borgida,
Diego Calvanese,
Laurence Cholvy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation meets Databases (KRDB 2002), Toulouse France, April 21, 2002
CEUR-WS.org 2002 |
42 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Compilation and Approximation of Conjunctive Queries by Concept Descriptions.
Description Logics 2002 |
41 | | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Compilation and Approximation of Conjunctive Queries by Concept Descriptions.
ECAI 2002: 267-271 |
40 | EE | Alexandre Termier,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Michèle Sebag:
TreeFinder: a First Step towards XML Data Mining.
ICDM 2002: 450-457 |
39 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Knowledge Representation for Information Integration.
ISMIS 2002: 1-3 |
38 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Compilation and Approximation of Conjunctive Queries by Concept Descriptions.
KRDB 2002 |
37 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Sophie Cluet,
Guy Ferran,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
The Xyleme project.
Computer Networks 39(3): 225-238 (2002) |
36 | EE | Nathalie Pernelle,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Henry Soldano,
Véronique Ventos:
ZooM: a nested Galois lattices-based system for conceptual clustering.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 14(2-3): 157-187 (2002) |
2001 |
35 | | Nathalie Pernelle,
Véronique Ventos,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Construction et affinement de hiérarchies à partir de données semi-structurées.
EGC 2001: 81-92 |
34 | EE | Nathalie Pernelle,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Véronique Ventos:
Automatic Construction and Refinement of a Class Hierarchy over Multi-valued Data.
PKDD 2001: 386-398 |
33 | EE | Nathalie Pernelle,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Véronique Ventos:
Automatic Construction and Refinement of a Class Hierarchy over Semi-Structured Data.
Workshop on Ontology Learning 2001 |
32 | EE | Alexandre Termier,
Michèle Sebag,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Combining Statistics and Semantics for Word and Document Clustering.
Workshop on Ontology Learning 2001 |
31 | EE | Dieter Fensel,
Franz Baader,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Holger Wache:
Heterogeneous information resources need semantic access.
Data Knowl. Eng. 36(3): 211-213 (2001) |
2000 |
30 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Rewriting Conjunctive Queries using Views in Description Logics with Existential Restrictions.
Description Logics 2000: 113-122 |
29 | | Dieter Fensel,
Craig A. Knoblock,
Nicholas Kushmerick,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration (III-99).
AI Magazine 21(1): 91-94 (2000) |
28 | EE | François Goasdoué,
Véronique Lattès,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
The Use of CARIN Language and Algorithms for Information Integration: The PICSEL System.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 9(4): 383-401 (2000) |
1999 |
27 | EE | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Backward Reasoning in Aboxes for Query Answering.
KRDB 1999: 50-54 |
26 | EE | Peter F. Patel-Schneider,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Editorial: Special Issue on Description Logics.
J. Log. Comput. 9(3): 265-266 (1999) |
1998 |
25 | EE | Quentin Elhaik,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Bernard Ycart:
Generating Random Benchmarks for Description Logics.
Description Logics 1998 |
24 | EE | Quentin Elhaik,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Making an ABox Persistent.
Description Logics 1998 |
23 | EE | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Verification of Knowledge Bases Based on Containment Checking.
Artif. Intell. 101(1-2): 227-250 (1998) |
22 | EE | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Combining Horn Rules and Description Logics in CARIN.
Artif. Intell. 104(1-2): 165-209 (1998) |
21 | EE | Dieter Fensel,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Stefan Decker:
Workshop on Comparing Description and Frame Logics.
Data Knowl. Eng. 25(3): 347-352 (1998) |
1997 |
20 | | Ronald J. Brachman,
Francesco M. Donini,
Enrico Franconi,
Ian Horrocks,
Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Proceedings of the 1997 International Workshop on Description Logics, Université Paris-Sud, Centre d'Orsay, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique LRI
Description Logics 1997 |
19 | | Fatma Bouali,
Stéphane Loiseau,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Revision of Rule Bases.
EUROVAV 1997: 193-203 |
18 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Verification of Knowledge Bases: a Unifying Logical View.
EUROVAV 1997: 7-18 |
17 | | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Verifying the World Wide Web: a Position Statement.
EUROVAV 1997: 95-103 |
16 | EE | Catriel Beeri,
Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Rewriting Queries Using Views in Description Logics.
PODS 1997: 99-108 |
1996 |
15 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
The Limits on Combining Recursive Horn Rules with Description Logics.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 577-584 |
14 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Verification of Knowledge Bases Based on Containment Checking.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 585-591 |
13 | | Quentin Elhaik,
Marie-Christine Rousset,
Marie-Claude Gaudel:
A Proposal for a Glass-Box Approach for Subsumption Checking.
Description Logics 1996: 111-115 |
12 | | Catriel Beeri,
Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Switching Terminologies - Creating a New View of An Old World: Preliminary Report.
Description Logics 1996: 79-83 |
11 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
CARIN: A Representation Language Combining Horn Rules and Description Logics.
ECAI 1996: 323-327 |
10 | | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Pascale Hors:
Modeling and Verifying Complex Objects: A Declarative Approach Based on Description Logics.
ECAI 1996: 328-334 |
9 | | Fatma Bouali,
Stéphane Loiseau,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Merging Test and Verification for Rule Base Debugging.
ICTAI 1996: 166-169 |
8 | EE | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Using Description Logics to Model and Reason About Views.
KRDB 1996 |
1995 |
7 | | Marc Ayel,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Proceedings of the European Symposium on the Validation and Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems, EUROVAV '95, Chambéry, June 1995
ADERIAS-LIA, Universite de Savoie 1995 |
6 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Combining Rules and Description Logics: An Overview of CARIN.
ILPS 1995: 635 |
1994 |
5 | | Marie-Christine Rousset:
Knowledge Formal Specifications for Formal Verification: a Proposal Based on the Integration of Different Logical Formalisms.
ECAI 1994: 739-743 |
1993 |
4 | | Pascale Hors,
Marie-Christine Rousset:
Consistency of Structured Knowledge: A Formal Framework Based on Description Logics.
EUROVAV 1993: 231-245 |
1988 |
3 | | Marie-Christine Rousset:
On the Consistency of Knowledge Bases: The COVADIS System.
ECAI 1988: 79-84 |
2 | | Marie-Christine Rousset:
On the consistency of knowledge bases: the COVADIS system.
Computational Intelligence 4: 166-170 (1988) |
1987 |
1 | | Marie-Christine Rousset,
Brigitte Safar:
Negative and positive explanations in expert.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(1): 25-38 (1987) |