
Peter Rounce

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9 Alberto Ferreira de Souza, Sotério Ferreira de Souza, Claudio Luis de Amorim, Priscila Lima, Peter Rounce: Hardware Supported Synchronization Primitives for Clusters. PDPTA 2008: 520-526
8EEPeter Rounce, Alberto Ferreira de Souza: Dynamic Instruction Scheduling in a Trace-based Multi-threaded Architecture. International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(2): 184-205 (2008)
7EEPeter Rounce, Alberto Ferreira de Souza: The mDTSVLIW: a Multi-Threaded Trace-based VLIW Architecture. SBAC-PAD 2006: 63-72
6EEAlberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce: On the Scheduling Algorithm of the Dynamically Trace Scheduled VLIW Architecture. IPDPS 2000: 565-572
5EEAlberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce: Dynamically Scheduling VLIW Instructions. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(12): 1480-1511 (2000)
4 Alberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce: Effect of Multicycle Intructions on the Integer Performance of the Dynamixcally Trace Scheduled VLIW Architecture. HPCN Europe 1999: 1203-1206
3EEAlberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce: Dynamically Scheduling the Trace Produced During Program Execution into VLIW Instructions. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 248-257
2 Alberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce: Dynamically Trace Scheduled VLIW Architectures. HPCN Europe 1998: 993-995
1 Richard P. Palmer, Peter Rounce: An Architecture for Implementing Control and Signal Processing Neural Networks. IWANN 1993: 702-707

Coauthor Index

1Claudio Luis de Amorim [9]
2Priscila Lima [9]
3Richard P. Palmer [1]
4Alberto Ferreira de Souza [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Sotério Ferreira de Souza [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)