
Stuart M. Rothstein

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3EEHajime Ogawa, Miki Nakano, Hirofumi Watanabe, E. B. Starikov, Stuart M. Rothstein, Shigenori Tanaka: Molecular dynamics simulation study on the structural stabilities of polyglutamine peptides. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(2): 102-110 (2008)
2EEBryan M. B. VanSchouwen, Heather L. Gordon, Stuart M. Rothstein, Yuto Komeiji, Kaori Fukuzawa, Shigenori Tanaka: Water-mediated interactions in the CRP-cAMP-DNA complex: Does water mediate sequence-specific binding at the DNA primary-kink site? Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(3): 149-158 (2008)
1EEJanine Imada, Paul Chapman, Stuart M. Rothstein: Recognizing Patterns in High-Dimensional Data: Automated Histogram Filtering for Protein Structure Elucidation. HPCS 2005: 238-243

Coauthor Index

1Paul Chapman [1]
2Kaori Fukuzawa [2]
3Heather L. Gordon [2]
4Janine Imada [1]
5Yuto Komeiji [2]
6Miki Nakano [3]
7Hajime Ogawa [3]
8E. B. Starikov [3]
9Shigenori Tanaka [2] [3]
10Bryan M. B. VanSchouwen [2]
11Hirofumi Watanabe [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)