
Mark C. W. van Rossum

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9EEAndrea Greve, David C. Sterratt, David I. Donaldson, David J. Willshaw, Mark C. W. van Rossum: Optimal learning rules for familiarity detection. Biological Cybernetics 100(1): 11-19 (2009)
8EETimothy M. Hospedales, Mark C. W. van Rossum, Bruce P. Graham, Mayank B. Dutia: Implications of Noise and Neural Heterogeneity for Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Fidelity. Neural Computation 20(3): 756-778 (2008)
7EEMark C. W. van Rossum, Matthijs A. A. van der Meer, Dengke Xiao, Mike W. Oram: Adaptive Integration in the Visual Cortex by Depressing Recurrent Cortical Circuits. Neural Computation 20(7): 1847-1872 (2008)
6EEPaul T. Clark, Mark C. W. van Rossum: The Optimal Synapse for Sparse, Binary Signals in the Rod Pathway. Neural Computation 18(1): 26-44 (2006)
5EEMark C. W. van Rossum, Alfonso Renart: Computation with populations codes in layered networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Neurocomputing 58-60: 265-270 (2004)
4EEÁdám Kepecs, Mark C. W. van Rossum, Sen Song, Jesper Tegnér: Spike-timing-dependent plasticity: common themes and divergent vistas. Biological Cybernetics 87(5-6): 446-458 (2002)
3 Mark C. W. van Rossum: The Transient Precision of Integrate and Fire Neurons: Effect of Background Activity and Noise. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 10(3): 303-311 (2001)
2 Mark C. W. van Rossum: A Novel Spike Distance. Neural Computation 13(4): 751-763 (2001)
1EEMark C. W. van Rossum, Gina G. Turrigiano: Correlation based learning from spike timing dependent plasticity. Neurocomputing 38-40: 409-415 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Paul T. Clark [6]
2David I. Donaldson [9]
3Mayank B. Dutia [8]
4Bruce P. Graham (Bruce Graham) [8]
5Andrea Greve [9]
6Timothy M. Hospedales [8]
7Ádám Kepecs [4]
8Matthijs A. A. van der Meer [7]
9Mike W. Oram [7]
10Alfonso Renart [5]
11Sen Song [4]
12David C. Sterratt [9]
13Jesper Tegnér [4]
14Gina G. Turrigiano [1]
15David J. Willshaw [9]
16Dengke Xiao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)