
David A. Ross

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16EEEdward Meeds, David A. Ross, Richard S. Zemel, Sam T. Roweis: Learning stick-figure models using nonparametric Bayesian priors over trees. CVPR 2008
15EEDavid A. Ross, Daniel Tarlow, Richard S. Zemel: Unsupervised Learning of Skeletons from Motion. ECCV (3) 2008: 560-573
14EEDavid A. Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ruei-Sung Lin, Ming-Hsuan Yang: Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking. International Journal of Computer Vision 77(1-3): 125-141 (2008)
13EEDavid A. Ross, Simon Osindero, Richard S. Zemel: Combining discriminative features to infer complex trajectories. ICML 2006: 761-768
12EEDavid A. Ross, Richard S. Zemel: Learning Parts-Based Representations of Data. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 2369-2397 (2006)
11EEDavid A. Ross: A nonstandard proof of a lemma from constructive measure theory. Math. Log. Q. 52(5): 494-497 (2006)
10EEDavid A. Ross, Alexander Lightman: Talking braille: a wireless ubiquitous computing network for orientation and wayfinding. ASSETS 2005: 98-105
9EEDavid A. Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hsuan Yang: Adaptive Probabilistic Visual Tracking with Incremental Subspace Update. ECCV (2) 2004: 470-482
8EERuei-Sung Lin, David A. Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hsuan Yang: Adaptive Discriminative Generative Model and Its Applications. NIPS 2004
7EEJongwoo Lim, David A. Ross, Ruei-Sung Lin, Ming-Hsuan Yang: Incremental Learning for Visual Tracking. NIPS 2004
6EEDavid A. Ross, Richard S. Zemel: Multiple Cause Vector Quantization. NIPS 2002: 1017-1024
5EEDavid A. Ross, Bruce B. Blasch: Development of a Wearable Computer Orientation System. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(1): 49-63 (2002)
4EEDavid A. Ross: Implementing Assistive Technology on Wearable Computers. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(3): 47-53 (2001)
3EEDavid A. Ross, Bruce B. Blasch: Wearable interfaces for orientation and wayfinding. ASSETS 2000: 193-200
2EEDavid A. Ross, Bruce B. Blasch: Evaluation of Orientation Interfaces for Wearable Computers. ISWC 2000: 51-
1EEDavid A. Ross, Jon A. Sanford: The Wearable Computer as a Remote Interface for People with Disabilities. ISWC 1997: 161-162

Coauthor Index

1Bruce B. Blasch [2] [3] [5]
2Alexander Lightman [10]
3Jongwoo Lim [7] [8] [9] [14]
4Ruei-Sung Lin [7] [8] [14]
5Edward Meeds [16]
6Simon Osindero [13]
7Sam T. Roweis [16]
8Jon A. Sanford [1]
9Daniel Tarlow [15]
10Ming-Hsuan Yang [7] [8] [9] [14]
11Richard S. Zemel [6] [12] [13] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)