
Lawrence J. Rosenblum

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14EEGreg S. Schmidt, Sue-Ling Chen, Aaron N. Bryden, Mark A. Livingston, Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Bryan R. Osborn: Multidimensional Visual Representations for Underwater Environmental Uncertainty. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(5): 56-65 (2004)
13 Dennis G. Brown, Simon Julier, Yohan Baillot, Mark A. Livingston, Lawrence J. Rosenblum: Event-Based Data Distribution for Mobile Augmented Reality and Virtual Environments. Presence 13(2): 211-221 (2004)
12EEYohan Baillot, Joshua J. Eliason, Greg S. Schmidt, J. Edward Swan II, Dennis Brown, Simon Julier, Mark A. Livingston, Lawrence J. Rosenblum: Evaluation of the ShapeTape Tracker for Wearable, Mobile Interaction. VR 2003: 285-286
11EETobias Höllerer, Steven Feiner, Drexel Hallaway, Blaine Bell, Marco Lanzagorta, Dennis Brown, Simon Julier, Yohan Baillot, Lawrence J. Rosenblum: User interface management techniques for collaborative mobile augmented reality. Computers & Graphics 25(5): 799-810 (2001)
10EEMartin Goebel, Michitaka Hirose, Lawrence J. Rosenblum: Guest Editors' Introduction: Today's VR. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(6): 22-24 (2001)
9EELawrence J. Rosenblum: Virtual and Augmented Reality 2020. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(1): 38-39 (2000)
8EELawrence J. Rosenblum, Mark T. Bolas, Scott Foster, Douglas Stoll, Susumu Tachi, James N. Templeman: The Next Generation: Novel Techniques for Display and Interaction (Panel). VR 1999: 150-
7EESimon Julier, Rob King, Brad Colbert, Jim Durbin, Lawrence J. Rosenblum: The Software Architecture of a Real-Time Battlefield Visualization Virtual Environment. VR 1999: 29-
6EEBehzad Kamgar-Parsi, Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Edward O. Belcher: Underwater imaging with a moving acoustic lens. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(1): 91-99 (1998)
5EEMarco Lanzagorta, Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Eddy Kuo, Robert Rosenberg: Using Virtual Reality to Visualize Scientific, Engineering, and Medical Data. Scientific Visualization 1997: 161-170
4 Upul Obeysekare, Chas Williams, Jim Durbin, Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Robert Rosenberg, Fernando Grinstein, Ravi Ramamurthi, Alexandra Landsberg, William Sandberg: Virtual Workbench - A Non-Immersive Virtual Environment for Visualizing and Interacting with 3D Objects for Scientific Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1996: 345-349
3 Lawrence J. Rosenblum, Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, Edward O. Belcher, O. Engelsen: Acoustic Imaging: The Reconstruction of Underwater Objects. IEEE Visualization 1991: 94-101
2 Lawrence J. Rosenblum: Scientific Visualization at Research Laboratories (Editor's Introduction). IEEE Computer 22(8): 68-70 (1989)
1 Lawrence J. Rosenblum: Visualization of Experimental Data at the Naval Research Laboratory. IEEE Computer 22(8): 95-101 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Yohan Baillot [11] [12] [13]
2Edward O. Belcher [3] [6]
3Blaine Bell [11]
4Mark T. Bolas [8]
5Dennis Brown [11] [12]
6Dennis G. Brown [13]
7Aaron N. Bryden [14]
8Sue-Ling Chen [14]
9Brad Colbert [7]
10Jim Durbin [4] [7]
11Joshua J. Eliason [12]
12O. Engelsen [3]
13Steven Feiner [11]
14Scott Foster [8]
15Martin Goebel [10]
16Fernando Grinstein [4]
17Drexel Hallaway [11]
18Michitaka Hirose [10]
19Tobias Höllerer [11]
20Simon Julier [7] [11] [12] [13]
21Behzad Kamgar-Parsi [3] [6]
22Rob King [7]
23Eddy Kuo [5]
24Alexandra Landsberg [4]
25Marco Lanzagorta [5] [11]
26Mark A. Livingston [12] [13] [14]
27Upul Obeysekare [4]
28Bryan R. Osborn [14]
29Ravi Ramamurthi [4]
30Robert Rosenberg [4] [5]
31William Sandberg [4]
32Greg S. Schmidt [12] [14]
33Douglas Stoll [8]
34J. Edward Swan II [12]
35Susumu Tachi [8]
36James N. Templeman [8]
37Chas Williams [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)