
Florian Rosenberg

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22EEFlorian Rosenberg, Philipp Leitner, Anton Michlmayr, Predrag Celikovic, Schahram Dustdar: Towards Composition as a Service - A Quality of Service Driven Approach. ICDE 2009: 1733-1740
21EEAnton Michlmayr, Florian Rosenberg, Philipp Leitner, Schahram Dustdar: Advanced event processing and notifications in service runtime environments. DEBS 2008: 115-125
20EEAnton Michlmayr, Philipp Leitner, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: Publish/subscribe in the VRESCo SOA runtime. DEBS 2008: 317-320
19EEOliver Moser, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: VieDAME - flexible and robust BPEL processes through monitoring and adaptation. ICSE Companion 2008: 917-918
18EEPhilipp Leitner, Anton Michlmayr, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: End-to-End Versioning Support for Web Services. IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 59-66
17EEOliver Moser, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: Non-intrusive monitoring and service adaptation for WS-BPEL. WWW 2008: 815-824
16EEFlorian Rosenberg, Anton Michlmayr, Schahram Dustdar: Top-down business process development and execution using quality of service aspects. Enterprise IS 2(4): 459-475 (2008)
15EEFlorian Rosenberg, Francisco Curbera, Matthew J. Duftler, Rania Khalaf: Composing RESTful Services and Collaborative Workflows: A Lightweight Approach. IEEE Internet Computing 12(5): 24-31 (2008)
14EELukasz Juszczyk, Anton Michlmayr, Christian Platzer, Florian Rosenberg, Alexander Urbanec, Schahram Dustdar: Large Scale Web Service Discovery and Composition using High Performance In-Memory Indexing. CEC/EEE 2007: 509-512
13EEFlorian Rosenberg, Christian Enzi, Anton Michlmayr, Christian Platzer, Schahram Dustdar: Integrating Quality of Service Aspects in Top-Down Business Process Development Using WS-CDL and WS-BPEL. EDOC 2007: 15-26
12EEAnton Michlmayr, Florian Rosenberg, Christian Platzer, Martin Treiber, Schahram Dustdar: Towards recovering the broken SOA triangle: a software engineering perspective. IW-SOSWE 2007: 22-28
11EEMichael Mrissa, Chirine Ghedira, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: A context-based mediation approach to compose semantic Web services. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 8(1): (2007)
10EEMatthias Baldauf, Schahram Dustdar, Florian Rosenberg: A survey on context-aware systems. IJAHUC 2(4): 263-277 (2007)
9EEMarco Aiello, Christian Platzer, Florian Rosenberg, Huy Tran, Martin Vasko, Schahram Dustdar: Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition. CEC/EEE 2006: 63
8EEChristoph Nagl, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: VIDRE - A Distributed Service-Oriented Business Rule Engine based on RuleML. EDOC 2006: 35-44
7EEFlorian Rosenberg, Christian Platzer, Schahram Dustdar: Bootstrapping Performance and Dependability Attributes ofWeb Services. ICWS 2006: 205-212
6EEFlorian Rosenberg, Christoph Nagl, Schahram Dustdar: Applying Distributed Business Rules - The VIDRE Approach. IEEE SCC 2006: 471-478
5EEMarco Aiello, Florian Rosenberg, Christian Platzer, Agata Ciabattoni, Schahram Dustdar: Service QoS Composition at the Level of Part Names. WS-FM 2006: 24-37
4EEFlorian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: Business Rules Integration in BPEL - A Service-Oriented Approach. CEC 2005: 476-479
3EEFlorian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: Design and Implementation of a Service-Oriented Business Rules Broker. CEC Workshops 2005: 55-63
2EEFlorian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: Towards a Distributed Service-Oriented Business Rules System. ECOWS 2005: 14-24
1EEJohann Oberleitner, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar: A Lightweight Model-Driven Orchestration Engine for e-Services. TES 2005: 48-57

Coauthor Index

1Marco Aiello [5] [9]
2Matthias Baldauf [10]
3Djamal Benslimane [11]
4Predrag Celikovic [22]
5Agata Ciabattoni [5]
6Francisco Curbera [15]
7Matthew J. Duftler [15]
8Schahram Dustdar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
9Christian Enzi [13]
10Chirine Ghedira [11]
11Lukasz Juszczyk [14]
12Rania Khalaf [15]
13Philipp Leitner [18] [20] [21] [22]
14Zakaria Maamar [11]
15Anton Michlmayr [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [22]
16Oliver Moser [17] [19]
17Michael Mrissa [11]
18Christoph Nagl [6] [8]
19Johann Oberleitner [1]
20Christian Platzer [5] [7] [9] [12] [13] [14]
21Huy Tran [9]
22Martin Treiber [12]
23Alexander Urbanec [14]
24Martin Vasko [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)