
Gustav Rosenbaum

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5EEWilliam Lau, Gustav Rosenbaum, Sanjay Jha: Comments on "Dynamic routing of restorable bandwidth-guaranteed tunnels using aggregated network resource usage information". IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(1): 244-245 (2008)
4EEGustav Rosenbaum, Chun Tung Chou, Sanjay Jha: Dynamic Routing of Restorable QoS Connections in MPLS Networks. LCN 2005: 418-426
3EEGustav Rosenbaum, Sanjay Jha: Resilience Provisioning in Provider-Based Overlay Networks. LCN 2005: 427-432
2EEGustav Rosenbaum, William Lau, Sanjay Jha: An Analysis of Virtual Private Network Solutions. LCN 2003: 395-
1EEGustav Rosenbaum, Sanjay Jha, Mahbub Hassan: Empirical study of traffic trunking in Linux-based MPLS test-bed. Int. Journal of Network Management 13(4): 277-288 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Chun Tung Chou [4]
2Mahbub Hassan [1]
3Sanjay Jha [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4William Lau [2] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)