
René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso

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7EEErnesto Ordoñez-Cardenas, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso: Mlp neural network and on-line backpropagation learning implementation in a low-cost fpga. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 333-338
6EELuis Miguel Contreras-Medina, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Jose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno, Jesus Roberto Millan-Almaraz: FPGA based multiple-channel vibration analyzer for industrial applications with reconfigurable post-processing capabilities for automatic failure detection on machinery. FPGA 2008: 263
5EEJose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Luis Miguel Contreras-Medina, Arturo Garcia-Perez: FPGA implementation of a novel algorithm for on-line bar breakage detection on induction motors. FPGA 2008: 263
4 Jose Alberto Vite-Frias, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Alejandro Ordaz-Moreno, Jesus Rooney Rivera-Guillen, Arturo Garcia-Perez: Special Purpose Multi-processor for On-line Fault Detection on Induction Motors during Steady State. ReCoSoC 2007: 171-176
3 Jesus Rooney Rivera-Guillen, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Alejandro Ordaz-Moreno, Jose Alberto Vite-Frias: Dedicated Multiprocessing Unit for Polynomial Evaluation on FPGA in CNC Profile Generation. ReCoSoC 2007: 194-195
2 Alejandro Ordaz-Moreno, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Jose Alberto Vite-Frias, Jesus Rooney Rivera-Guillen, Arturo Garcia-Perez: Dedicated Special Purpose Multiprocessor System for the Diagnostic of Rotor Bar Breakage on Induction Motors. ReCoSoC 2007: 196-197
1EERené de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Gilberto Herrera Ruiz: FPGA Implementation of a Tool Breakage Detection Algorithm in CNC Milling Machines. FPL 2004: 1142-1145

Coauthor Index

1Luis Miguel Contreras-Medina [5] [6]
2Arturo Garcia-Perez [2] [4] [5]
3Jesus Roberto Millan-Almaraz [6]
4Alejandro Ordaz-Moreno [2] [3] [4]
5Ernesto Ordoñez-Cardenas [7]
6Jose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno [5] [6]
7Jesus Rooney Rivera-Guillen [2] [3] [4]
8Gilberto Herrera Ruiz [1]
9Jose Alberto Vite-Frias [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)