
G. Romano

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3EEC. Evci, A. De Hoz, R. Rheinschmitt, M. Araki, Mark A. Beach, Andrew R. Nix, P. Hafezi, Y. Sun, Sergio Barberis, E. Gaiani, B. Melis, G. Romano, Valerio Palestini, M. Tolonen, H. Hakalahti: AWACS: ATM Wireless Access System - potential candidate for European HIPERLINK standard. Computer Networks 31(9-10): 1011-1028 (1999)
2 L. Levi, F. Muratore, G. Romano: Simulation Results for a CDMA Interference Cancellation Technique in a Rayleigh Fading Channel. Mobile Communications 1994: 162-171
1 Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, G. Romano: On Different Approximation Criteria for Subset Product Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 21(4): 213-218 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1M. Araki [3]
2Sergio Barberis [3]
3Mark A. Beach [3]
4C. Evci [3]
5E. Gaiani [3]
6P. Hafezi [3]
7H. Hakalahti [3]
8A. De Hoz [3]
9L. Levi [2]
10Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [1]
11B. Melis [3]
12F. Muratore [2]
13Andrew R. Nix [3]
14Valerio Palestini [3]
15R. Rheinschmitt [3]
16Y. Sun [3]
17M. Tolonen [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)