
Andrew R. Nix

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17EEMai Tran, George Zaggoulos, Andrew R. Nix, Angela Doufexi: Mobile WiMAX: Performance Analysis and Comparison with Experimental Results. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
16EEYan Q. Bian, Andrew R. Nix: Mobile WiMAX: Multi-Cell Network Evaluation and Capacity Optimization. VTC Spring 2008: 1276-1280
15EEYuwen Pan, Andrew R. Nix, Mark A. Beach: Resource Allocation Techniques for OFDMA-Based Decode-and-Forward Relaying Networks. VTC Spring 2008: 1717-1721
14EEMilos Tesanovic, David R. Bull, Angela Doufexi, Andrew R. Nix: Analysis of IEEE 802.11N-Like Transmission Techniques with and Without Prior CSI for Video Applications. ICIP (6) 2007: 493-496
13EEIoannis Sarris, Andrew R. Nix: Capacity Evaluation of LoS-Optimised and Standard MIMO Antenna Arrays at 5.2 GHz. VTC Spring 2007: 554-558
12EEQixing Feng, Joe McGeehan, Andrew R. Nix: Enhancing Coverage and Reducing Power Consumption in Peer-to-Peer Networks Through Airborne Relaying. VTC Spring 2007: 954-958
11EEYan Q. Bian, Yong Sun, Andrew R. Nix, Joe McGeehan: High Efficient Mobile WiMAX with MIMO and Miltihop Relay. JCM 2(5): 7-15 (2007)
10EEQixing Feng, Eustace K. Tameh, Andrew R. Nix, Joe McGeehan: Modelling the Likelihood of Line-of-Sight for Air-to-Ground Radio Propagation in Urban Environments. GLOBECOM 2006
9EEIoannis Sarris, Andrew R. Nix: A Line-of-Sight Optimised MIMO Architecture for Outdoor Environments. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
8EEYan Q. Bian, Andrew R. Nix: Throughput and Coverage Analysis of a Multi-Element Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) System in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
7EEMatthew Webb, Mythri Hunukumbure, Mark A. Beach, Andrew R. Nix: The Effect of Computation and Feedback Delay on the Capacity of Multiuser MIMO Systems in a Small Outdoor Cell. VTC Spring 2006: 1988-1992
6EEDries Neirynck, Chris Williams, Andrew R. Nix, Mark A. Beach: Personal Area Networks with Line-of-Sight MIMO O-ration. VTC Spring 2006: 2859-2862
5EEQixing Feng, Joe McGeehan, Eustace K. Tameh, Andrew R. Nix: Path Loss Models for Air-to-Ground Radio Channels in Urban Environments. VTC Spring 2006: 2901-2905
4EEChia-Chin Chong, Chor Min Tan, David I. Laurenson, Stephen McLaughlin, Mark A. Beach, Andrew R. Nix: A novel wideband dynamic directional indoor channel model based on a Markov process. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(4): 1539-1552 (2005)
3EEAngela Doufexi, Simon Armour, Andrew R. Nix, P. Karlsson, David R. Bull: Range and throughput enhancement of wireless local area networks using smart sectorised antennas. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(5): 1437-1443 (2004)
2EEC. Evci, A. De Hoz, R. Rheinschmitt, M. Araki, Mark A. Beach, Andrew R. Nix, P. Hafezi, Y. Sun, Sergio Barberis, E. Gaiani, B. Melis, G. Romano, Valerio Palestini, M. Tolonen, H. Hakalahti: AWACS: ATM Wireless Access System - potential candidate for European HIPERLINK standard. Computer Networks 31(9-10): 1011-1028 (1999)
1 R. Perry, David R. Bull, Andrew R. Nix: Algorithms for Flexible Equalisation in Wireless Communications. ISCAS 1995: 1940-1943

Coauthor Index

1M. Araki [2]
2Simon Armour [3]
3Sergio Barberis [2]
4Mark A. Beach [2] [4] [6] [7] [15]
5Yan Q. Bian [8] [11] [16]
6David R. Bull [1] [3] [14]
7Chia-Chin Chong [4]
8Angela Doufexi [3] [14] [17]
9C. Evci [2]
10Qixing Feng [5] [10] [12]
11E. Gaiani [2]
12P. Hafezi [2]
13H. Hakalahti [2]
14A. De Hoz [2]
15Mythri Hunukumbure [7]
16P. Karlsson [3]
17David I. Laurenson [4]
18Joe McGeehan [5] [10] [11] [12]
19Stephen McLaughlin [4]
20B. Melis [2]
21Dries Neirynck [6]
22Valerio Palestini [2]
23Yuwen Pan [15]
24R. Perry [1]
25R. Rheinschmitt [2]
26G. Romano [2]
27Ioannis Sarris [9] [13]
28Y. Sun [2]
29Yong Sun [11]
30Eustace K. Tameh [5] [10]
31Chor Min Tan [4]
32Milos Tesanovic [14]
33M. Tolonen [2]
34Mai Tran [17]
35Matthew Webb [7]
36Chris Williams [6]
37George Zaggoulos [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)